UKRAINETT is a network of researchers and experts in Norway with interest in and knowledge about Ukraine. The network is further meant to be a hub for Ukrainian researchers and academics who are currently in Norway due to the ongoing war in Ukraine.
We invite you to sign up and receive our newsletters sent to your inbox (issued four times per year)!
Latest News and Events
How (Not) to Study a War-Affected Society: Challenges of Knowledge Production in Ukraine and Elsewhere (10 April)
Photography credit: Oksana Mikheieva Join UKRAINETT for an engaging digital seminar with Professor Oksana Mikheieva from UCU. In her presentation Oksana Mikheieva will talk about her own experience of research during the war, the specifics of knowledge production in war-affected societies, as well as possible ethical and methodological challenges faced by researchers. Critical approaches to…
UKRAINETT+ Roundtable – Insights and Discussions
In the spring of 2024, a consortium of universities (OsloMet, UiO, UiB, Nord University, Karazin Kharkiv University, and Operatyvna Sotsiolohiia in Dnipro) received a grant from the Research Council for a three-year network project, UKRAINETT+. This grant enables us to enhance user-oriented activities. One of the network’s goals is to ensure that Norwegian-Ukrainian research, through…
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Understanding Russia’s Occupation: In Coversation with Karolina Hird, Jade McGlynn, and Jaroslava Barbieri (26 May)
SAVE THE DATE! Registration will open in April. The Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies and UKRAINETT invite you to a lunch seminar on 26 May 12.00-14.00. Doors open and lunch is served 11.30-12.00. WHERE: Sentralen, Kronesalen, Øvre Slottsgate 3 Join us for presentations from leading scholars on Russia’s occupation regime in Ukraine: Karolina Hird,Russia Team…
Russia’s war against Ukraine – Lasting peace without justice (20 March)
Since President Trump took office, the world has watched his attempts to bring a swift resolution to Russia’s war against Ukraine. His rhetoric has often been inconsistent, oscillating between tough stances against Russian aggression and efforts to cultivate a cooperative relationship with the Kremlin. Yet, two things are clear. First, the U.S. administration is attempting…
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New UKRAINETT+ Newsletter in Ukrainian
As part of the UKRAINETT+ project, we are pleased to present our third Ukrainian newsletter, prepared by Olena Muradyan, Dean of the Faculty of Sociology at Karazin Kharkiv University and coordinator of the Ukrainian network branch. The newsletter provides information about past and future activities of the Ukrainian research institutions that make up the UKRAINETT+ project branch…
Decolonising Memory in Ukraine (3 April)
In an era where history is both contested and weaponised, how can museums foster a more inclusive and honest vision of the past among the younger generations and shape democratic societies we live in? The MUCIT project – a collaboration between the European Wergeland Centre and European partners – invites to a conversation on how…
60 million in Norwegian research support to Ukraine
The war in Ukraine has had enormous consequences, and it has also hit Ukrainian research hard. Since the full-scale invasion three years ago, the Research Council has supported and collaborated closely with the Ukrainian Research Council (NRFU) and Ukrainian researchers, including through Science Europe. The Research Council is now supporting Ukrainian research and researchers with…
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UKRAINETT+ Conference – The War and Beyond: Perspectives on Ukrainian culture and society (14 – 15 October)
The University of Bergen hosts the second Ukrainett+ conference 14 – 15 October 2025. UKRAINETT+ aims to enhance Ukrainian-Norwegian research collaboration and advance Ukrainian studies in Norway, Ukraine, and internationally. The conference will bring together scholars from diverse disciplines to facilitate dialogue and exchange insights on key topics within Ukrainian history, culture and society. Keynote…
Ny artikkel: Ukraina – hva bør vites?
Forskere ved NIBR og UKRAINETT-medlemmer, Jørn Holm-Hansen, Marthe Handå Myhre og Aadne Aasland, har publisert en ny artikkel i Nordisk Østforum. Artikkelen introduserer Nordisk Østforums tematiske serie om Ukraina og fokuserer på tre aspekter: nasjonsbygging, demografi og politiske maktforhold. Disse aspektene av Ukrainas utvikling endres raskt, og behovet for kunnskap er stort. Artikkelen presenterer dagens…
Nå må Nansen-programmet på banen
“Kontrasten mellom det motet og den viljen jeg opplevde da jeg besøkte Lviv i Ukraina sist sommer, og den ydmykende forestillingen vi var vitne til i Washington i går er stor og vond.” Dette skriver UiO-rektor Svein Stølen i Khrono, og etterspør støtte og faglig samarbeid med universiteter og kollegaer i Ukraina. Han mener vi kan gjøre…
NordForsk’s commitment to research in support of Ukraine
In response to the unprecedented situation for Ukrainians following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, NordForsk has funded several research initiatives on Ukrainian refugee integration in the Nordic-Baltic region and established a network to aid in rebuilding Ukraine. Visit their website to learn more about NordForsk’s efforts.
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Russlands krig mot Ukraina tre år etter: Status, stormaktsinteresser, forhandling og gjenoppbygning – Event at NUPI (25 February)
NUPI marks three years of full-scale war in Ukraine with a seminar where we ask important questions: What is the current status of the war? What interests drive the parties in the war, and what interests do the major powers involved have? How much support does Ukraine need, and can Norway and other Western countries…
Språkpolitikk i den slaviske verden – Booktalk at the University of Oslo (19 February)
How has the collapse of communism affected Slavic languages in Eastern Europe? This question, along with how language shapes nations and reflects political situations, is explored in Karen Gammelgaard’s new book, “Language Policy in the Slavic World. From 1989 to Today.” The book discusses the significant changes in language policies and debates since 1989, including…
Celebrating 100 UKRAINETT Members 💛💙
As we move into 2025, we are thrilled to announce that UKRAINETT has achieved a significant milestone by welcoming our 100th member! Since its beginning in 2022, UKRAINETT has been dedicated to fostering academic solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora in Norway. Under the leadership of Aadne Aasland, Marthe Handå Myhre, and Oleksandra Deineko…
Destructive Exploitation and Care of Cultural Objects – DECOPE Workshop III in Oslo (29 January)
We are excited to invite you to the concluding workshop of the DECOPE research project, focusing on the destruction and care for cultural heritage following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. DECOPE – Destructive Exploitation and Care of Cultural Objects. Professional/Public Education for sustainable heritage management Event Details: Date: Wednesday, January 29th Location: NIKU, Storgata 2, Oslo Photo…
New report: “Settlement, integration and employment under a temporary perspective: Experiences and perceptions of Ukrainian refugees and municipal refugee services (2023-2024)”
The Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDi) launched the report “Settlement, Integration, and Employment under a Temporary Perspective – Experiences and Perceptions of Ukrainian Refugees and Municipal Refugee Services” at Deichman Bjørvika on January 15, 2025. You can watch the live recording here. Conducted by the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR) at…
Ukraine’s Thorny Path to the EU. From “Integration without Membership” to “Integration through War” – Seminar (7 February)
You can access the live stream recording from this event on our Youtube channel. UKRAINETT is pleased to invite you to a seminar featuring Associate Professor Anne Pintsch, Post-Doctoral Researcher Maryna Rabinovych, and Attorney-at-law and Senior Lecturer Nataliya Haletska. They will discuss their newly released book, Ukraine’s Thorny Path to the EU: From “Integration without Membership”…
Second UKRAINETT+ Newsletter in Ukrainian
As part of the UKRAINETT+ project, we are pleased to present our second Ukrainian newsletter, prepared by Olena Muradyan, Dean of the Faculty of Sociology at Karazin Kharkiv University and coordinator of the Ukrainian network branch. The newsletter provides information about past and future activities of the Ukrainian research institutions that make up the UKRAINETT+ project branch…
Contested Ukraine: Military patriotism and Russian influence in occupied parts of Ukraine – Online seminar (17 December)
The sovereignty of Ukraine has been openly contested at least since 2014. Currently large territories in the East and South of Ukraine are under Russian occupation. What do we know about Russia’s efforts to “Russify” the occupied territories and what is the situation for Ukrainian children under occupation in this regard? In this UKRAINETT seminar…
Making sense of post-conflict reconstruction assistance to Ukraine
UKRAINETT member Jørn Holm-Hansen has recently published a new blog post on the HROMADA network blog, discussing the challenges and potential pitfalls of post-conflict reconstruction assistance for Ukraine. “Development aid, support for post-conflict reconstruction and democracy promotion are highly knowledge-intensive fields of work. Drawing on experiences from many conflict and post-conflict regions, Jørn Holm-Hansen argues that aid aimed…
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