John Karlsrud

Research Professor

Head, Research group on Peace, Conflict and Development (PCAD)

Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)



Dr. John Karlsrud is a Research Professor in the Research group on peace, conflict and development. He also leads three research projects at NUPI – NAVIGATOR is a large Horizon Europe financed consortium studying changes in global governance within climate change, digitalization, finance, tax, health, migration and security (3 million EUR); ADHOCISM studies ad hoc coalitions in global security (FRIPRO, Norwegian Research Council, 12 million NOK); and UN Peace Operations Programme provides research and advice to the United Nations, financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (7 million NOK). Karlsrud is particularly interested in peacekeeping, peace- and statebuilding and global governance.

Karlsrud earned his PhD at the University of Warwick. Karlsrud has been a Visiting Fulbright Fellow at the Center on International Cooperation at New York University, and a Visiting Research Fellow at the International Peace Institute

He has worked in Bosnia and Hercegovina, Chad, Palestine (West Bank), Norway and USA, and conducted field research and shorter missions to Haiti, Liberia, Mozambique, Serbia, Sierra Leone, South Sudan and Ukraine.


Global Governance, Peace Operations, Peacebuilding, Security Sector Reform



Brosig, Malte and John Karlsrud (2024) ‘How ad hoc coalitions deinstitutionalize international institutions’, International Affairs, 100(2): pp. 771-790.

Karlsrud, John (2023) ‘‘Pragmatic Peacekeeping’ in Practice: Exit Liberal Peacekeeping, Enter UN Support Missions?’, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 17(3): pp. 258-272.

Karlsrud, John (2015) ‘The UN at War: Examining the Consequences of Peace Enforcement Mandates for the UN Peacekeeping Operations in the CAR, the DRC and Mali’, Third World Quarterly 36(1): pp. 40-54.


ADHOCISM – Ad hoc crisis response and international organisations (2022-2026, FRIPRO/Forskningsrådet, NOK12 mill)

NAVIGATOR – The EU Navigating Multilateral Cooperation (2023-2027, Horizon Europe, EUR3 mill)

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