Språkpolitikk i den slaviske verden – Booktalk at the University of Oslo (on February 19)

How has the collapse of communism affected Slavic languages in Eastern Europe? This question, along with how language shapes nations and reflects political situations, is explored in Karen Gammelgaard’s new book, “Language Policy in the Slavic World. From 1989 to Today.” The book discusses the significant changes in language policies and debates since 1989, including which languages are taught in schools, used in administration, and displayed on street signs.

The Center for Slavic and Eastern European Studies at the University of Oslo invite you to a meeting with the book’s author, Karen Gammelgaard, in conversation with Marthe Handå Myhre. Karen Gammelgaard is a professor of Czech at the University of Oslo. Marthe Handå Myhre is a researcher at the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR), OsloMet. The event is conducted in Norwegian.

Where?  Scene HumSam, Georg Sverdrups hus, Universitetet i Oslo, Blindern

When? 19. feb. 2025, 14:15 – 15:00

For more details, please visit the event website.

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