
Ongoing research projects on Ukraine.

“The Universities’ Reaction to Big Obstructions: Building resilient higher education to respond and manage societal crises (TURBO)” (2024 – 2026)

The main aim of TURBO is to increase the resilience, preparedness, and responsiveness of Ukrainian higher education institutions (HEIs) by building their capacities, improving competencies, and sharing experiences. This project has received funding from the European Union.

“Ukrainians Adaptation in Rural Norway” (2023 – 2027).

Norwegian University of Science- and Technology (NTNU), Department of Social Work

Ph.d. project. The project explores Ukrainian’s experiences with adaptation, integration, and acculturation in rural Norway, with particular emphasis on economic- and social integration. Highlighting their experienced barriers, strategies, Ukrainian ties, and overall belonging within their rural community.

Contact person: Celine Borge

Measures for labour market integration targeting refugees with higher education

University of South-Eastern Norway (USN)

Seed-money project aiming to conduct research on the results of concrete measures carried out to enhance labour market integration for refugees with higher education. The project has evolved from a cooperation between University of South-Eastern Norway (USN), NAV and the counties of Vestfold, Telemark and Buskerud. The cooperation has a working group dedicated specifically to cooperate towards measures targeting refugees residing in Norway under the collective protection scheme.  

Contact person: Anne Gry Gudmundsdotter

“Contested Ukraine. Military patriotism, Russian Influence, and Implications for European Security” (2021- 2025)

Forsvarets Høgskole (FHS), Stabsskolen

Contested Ukraine explores the footprints of Russian society-centric warfare in Ukraine, both in occupied and Kyiv-controlled territories. It pays particular attention to Russian attempts to change the political identities of the occupied population, Russian information warfare within Ukraine, and to Ukrainian countermeasures. In cooperation with the University College London, the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) and misc. independent researchers.

“Lowering the bar? Compliance Negotiations and the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement”  (2021 – 2024)

University of Agder (UiA), Department of Political Science and Management

This project analyzes how Ukraine and the European Union (EU) put into effect the Association Agreement, concluded in 2014. A deeper understanding of this process and its outcomes will help to further both the objectives of the Agreement and international cooperation more generally.

“National values and political reforms in post-Maidan Ukraine (VALREF)” (2021 – 2024)

University of Oslo (UiO), Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages

This project addresses the fundamental changes in the framework for state- and nation-building in Eastern Europe after 2013/2014. In cooperation with the Norwegian Defence Reserach Establishment.

“Mid-term external evaluation of the Schools for Democracy Programme” (2021-2024)

The Schools for Democracy programme is implemented by the European Wergeland Centre in cooperation with local partners in Ukraine. The programme supports democratic reforms in school education by promoting democratic culture and democratic citizenship in policy and practice.

Contact person: Oleksanda Deineko and Jørn Holm-Hansen.

Past projects

Norway-Ukraine: Professional Adaptation. Integration into the State System (NUPASS)” (2020 – 2022)

Nord University, Nord University Business School

The objective of the project is integration of the model of professional retraining and social adaptation of veterans and members of their families, carried out by the Ukraine-Norway project in the period 2003-2019, into the state system with coordination with Ukrainian ministries, especially Ministry of Veterans of Ukraine.

“Norwegian-Ukrainian cooperation in Public Sector Economy Education: Accounting, Budgeting and Finance (NUPSEE)”

Nord University, Nord University Business School

Harmonization of Master’s education between Norway and Ukraine that resulted in establishment double degree program on Public Sector Economy.

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