Anders Granås Kjøstvedt

Associate Professor of History and History Didactics

Department of Primary and Secondary Teacher Education, OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University.



I am a historian working in Teacher Education at the Oslo Metropolitan University. Here I teach history and history didactics to future Norwegian teachers. My main research interests are the history of Nazism, Nazi Germany and the Holocaust, and how these historical subjects are dealt with in education. Specifically for Ukraine, my research interests include what roles contested events in modern Ukrainian history, such as the Holodomor, the Second World War and the Holocaust plays in Ukrainian education, and how they are embedded in the country’s collective memory.

Additionally, I am interested in how history education can contribute towards a strengthening of democratic culture and democratic participation in contemporary Ukraine.


History and History Didactics, Controversial Issues, Civic Education, History of Nazi Germany, Holocaust, Holocaust Education



    “Teaching for Democracy in (Post-War) Ukraine”. In cooperation with Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. Funded by Faculty of Education and International Studies, Oslo Metropolitan University

    In this project, we try to facilitate and explore possibilities for cooperation in research and teaching between the Borys Grinchenko University and the Department for Primary and Secondary Teacher Education, Oslo Metropolitan University.

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