Call for papers

A call for papers is open for the Special Issue hosted by Public Money, and Management Journal that focuses on “Accounting for emergency: global responses to human-made disasters”.

Deadline for Submissions: 01 June 2023
Guest Editors: Giuseppe Grossi, Veronika Vakulenko, and Dmitri Gourfinkel.

We invite research articles, new development articles, and debate articles on responses to human-made disasters, which is particularly linked to the war in Ukraine, which has been dramatically unfolding for 6 months already.

The Special Issue reflects on the role, choices of different strategies and responses made by international organisations and leading democracies when facing human-made disasters. Kindly find more information (with key dates and deadlines) on the Special Issue web-page at:

– Veronika Vakulenko –

Test Person

Senior Researcher

FAFO Research Foundation


Phone: +47 99577476

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