The sovereignty of Ukraine has been openly contested at least since 2014. Currently large territories in the East and South of Ukraine are under Russian occupation. What do we know about Russia’s efforts to “Russify” the occupied territories and what is the situation for Ukrainian children under occupation in this regard?
In this UKRAINETT seminar Håvard Bækken, senior researcher at the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies and Olha Pashkova, senior researcher at the National Defence University of Ukraine, present findings from the ongoing research project “Contested Ukraine Military patriotism, Russian Influence and Implications for European Security”. The project sets out to scrutinize and explain Russian attempts to influence Ukrainian citizens both within and outside the occupied territories, to gain new insight into society-centric aspects of modern warfare by examining Russian practices targeting Ukrainian citizens, and to study and learn from Ukraine’s countermeasures against Russian society-centric warfare. See the projects webpage for further information.
When? December 17 from 13.00 – 14.00 CET
Where? Zoom
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Meeting ID: 682 4059 5332
Password: 451276
13.00 – 13.05: Introduction by moderator Aadne Aasland
13.05 – 13. 25: Håvard Bækken: Attempted conquest: The symbolic russification of occupied parts of Ukraine.
13.25 – 13.45: Olha Pashkova: Preliminary title: From victim to aggressor: children of occupied territories of Ukraine.
13.45 – 14.00: Q/A
Håvard Bækken is a senior researcher at the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies (IFS). His primary research focus is militarism and military-patriotic education in Russia and in occupied parts of Ukraine. Bækken is heading the international research project Contested Ukraine: Military Patriotism, Russian Influence, and Implications for European Security, led by the Norwegian Defence University College (FHS)
Olha Pashkova is a senior researcher at the National Defence University of Ukraine (NDUU). Her primary research focus is military-patriotic education (militarization) in occupied parts of Ukraine. Olha is a participant of the international research project Contested Ukraine: Military Patriotism, Russian Influence, and Implications for European Security, led by the Norwegian Defence University College (FHS).
Aadne Aasland is a Research professor at NIBR, OsloMet, and the leader of UKRAINETT.