Oleksii Chebotarov

Senior Research Fellow

University of Vienna

Department of East European History

E-mail: chebotaroo22@univie.ac.at


Oleksii Chebotarov is a Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Eastern European History, University of Vienna and a Visiting Researcher at the KLIMER: Climate, Environment and Energy research group. He also coordinates Swiss-Ukranina academic projects at the Center for Governance and Culture in Europe at the University of St. Gallen and curates digital history projects at the European Association of Jewish Studies and the Center for Urban History in Lviv. He taught courses on cultural, digital, and migration history at the University of St. Gallen, Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv and diverse summer schools and training programs.

He received his Ph.D. in Social Sciences and Cultural Theory from the University of St. Gallen in 2021. He is currently completing his first book, “Jews from the East, Global Migration, and Habsburg Galicia in the Early 1880s,” and working on a research project about the border river Zbruch.


Environmental History, Migration History, Borderlands Studies, Digital Humanities, Jewish Studies


  • The Border River Zbruch: A Socia-Cultural and Environmental History, 1900-1939 (Swiss National Science Foundation, Volkswagen Stiftung) Jews from the East, Global Migration, and Habsburg Galicia


Oleksii Chebotarov (univie.ac.at)

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