Scholarly publications

Articles in refereed journals, book chapters, book reviews.


Flikke, Geir, Khrystyna Pelchar and Erik S. Herron. 2025. “Legislative–Executive Relations in Ukraine’s Wartime Conditions.” PS: Political Science & Politics 58(1), 125–27.

Holm-Hansen, Jørn, Marthe Handå Myhre, and Aadne Aasland. 2025. “Ukraina – hva bør vites?”, Nordisk Østforum 39, 29–50.

Nuridzhanian, Gaiane and Sondre Torp Helmersen. 2025. “Rettsoppgjøret i Ukraina: de største utfordringene”. Nordisk Østforum, 39, 10–28.


Bukkvoll, Tor. 2024. “Failures in Ukrainian Arms Procurement 2014–2023 – The Negative Effects of Limited Access Orders (LAOs) on National Security”. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 1-23.

Bækken, Håvard. 2024. “Forging Frontline Russians. Militiarized Patriotism and Identity Policy in the Occupied Donbas”. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 1–25.

Deineko, Oleksandra and Aadne Aasland. 2024. “From Decentralization to Wartime Resistance: Building a Cohesive Ukraine”. In Romanova V. and Umland, A. (eds), Ukraine’s Decentralization: Challenges and Implications of the Local Governance Reform after the Euromaidan Revolution. Ibidem.

Deineko, Oleksandra and Aadne Aasland. 2024. “‘Where is Home?’ Perceptions of Home and Future among Ukrainian Refugees in Norway”, Refugee Survey Quarterly, 2024.

Gelashvili, Tamta. 2024. “Political opportunities and mobilisation on the far-right in Ukraine.” East European Politics 40(2), 277-298.

Goncharuk, Anatoliy G., Roman A. Lewandowski, and Heather L. Rogers. 2024. “Healthcare Professional Motivation in Poland and Ukraine: The Role of Profession, Gender, and Country”. Economics & Sociology, 17(3), 30-40.

Hernes, Vilde, Aadne Aasland, Oleksandra Deineko and Marthe Handå Myhre. 2024. “Where does the future lie? Initial aspirations for return among newly arrived Ukrainian refugees in Norway”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.

Hrybenko, Oleksandra. 2024. “Intermediaries of change: How media-focused non-governmental organizations shape meta-journalistic discourse in Ukraine.” Journalism, 0(0).

Iermolenko, Olga and Anders Hersinger. 2024. “Accounting for a mining company’s transformation in Ukraine”. Meditari Accountancy Research, 32(1), 123–150.

Janda, Laura A. and Yuliia Palii. 2024. “Understanding ‘many’ through the lens of Ukrainian багато”. Russian Linguistics, 48.

Melnyk, Valeriia, Olga Iermolenko, & Carolyn Cordery. 2024. “Unfolding crowd-based accountability of a charity fund during the war”. Financial Accountability & Management. 1–23.

Melnyk, V., Iermolenko, O., & Cordery, C. 2024. “The emotive power of accounts during war time”. Public Money & Management, 1–11.

Fyshchuk, Iryna. 2024. “Strengthening Municipalities’ Resilience against Cyber Attacks in Ukraine”. In Dudzik, S., Kawka, I. and Śliwa, R. (eds), E-Government. Challenges for Digital Public Services in the EU. Księgarnia Akademicka.

Nuridzhanian, Gaiane. 2024. “‘Ensuring fairness of war crime trials in Ukraine”. In Grzebyk P. and Uczkiewicz D. (eds), The Russian-Ukrainian Conflict and War Crimes Challenges for Documentation and International Prosecution. Routledge.

Rabinovych, Maryna. 2024. “Striving for trade not peace? Revisiting trade-peace and trade-security nexuses in the EU’s trade policy strategy amidst the Russia-Ukraine” war. Journal of European Integration 45(7), 1075–1098.

Rabinovych, Maryna. 2024. “EU Enlargement Policy Goes East: Historical and Comparative Takes on the EU’s Rule of Law Conditionality vis-à-vis Ukraine”. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law.

Rabinovych, Maryna, and Anne Pintsch. 2024. “From the 2014 Annexation of Crimea to the 2022 Russian War on Ukraine: Path Dependence and Socialization in the EU–Ukraine Relations”. Journal of Common Market Studies.

Sæther, Tobias. 2024. “Fryktens narrativ – russisk cyberpåvirkning av Ukraina fra Krym-anneksjonen til fullskala invasjon.” I Soldal, Mass og Ringnes, Vivi. Cybermakt. En tverrfaglig innføring. Universitetsforlaget.

Vakulenko, Veronika, Olga Iermolenko, and Anatoli Bourmistrov. 2024. “Addressing accountability challenges with theory of change: the case of a social partnership in Ukraine”. In Handbook of Accounting and Public Governance, 95–115. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Åtland, Kristian. 2024. “War, diplomacy, and more war: why did the Minsk agreements fail?” International Politics.


Baluk, Walenty, Mykola Doroshko and Bohdan Cherkas. 2023. “Humanitarian components of Russia’s hybrid war against Ukraine in 2014-2022”. Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej 21(2023)-1, 19–40,

Bukkvoll, Tor, and Frank Brundtland Steder. 2023. “War and the Willingness to Resist and Fight in Ukraine”. Problems of Post-Communism 71(3), 245–58. doi: 10.1080/10758216.2023.2277767

Deineko, Oleksandra. 2023. “Ukraine, War and Resistance: Reshaping Social Cohesion”. Studia Socjologiczne 2(249), 155–177.

Denys Azarov, Dmytro Koval, Gaiane Nuridzhanian and Volodymyr Venher. 2023. “Understanding Russia’s Actions in Ukraine as the Crime of Genocide Committed by the Russian Federation in Ukraine”. Journal of International Criminal Justice 21(2), 233–264.

Gammelgaard, Karen. 2023. “Normeringen av ukrainsk i det selvstendige Ukraina.” Nordisk Østforum (37), 156–179.

Gelashvili, Tamta. 2023. “The Far Right in Ukraine.” In Kondor, Katherine and Littler, Mark (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Far-Right Extremism in Europe, 21-38. Routledge.

Lunde, Ingunn. 2023. “Ut av gråsonen: Språk og tilhørighet i to romaner om krigen i Donbas (Serhij Zjadans Internatet og Andrej Kurkovs Grå bier), Norsk litteraturvitenskapelig tidsskrift 26(1), 7–22. https://doi.10.18261/nlvt.26.1.2

Rabinovych, Maryna. 2023. “Interplay between Ukraine’s Domestic Legislation on Conflict and Uncontrolled Territories and its Strategic Use of ‘Lawfare’ before Russia’s 2022 Invasion of Ukraine – A Troubled Nexus?” Review of Central and East European Law 47(3-4), 268–297.

Rabinovych, Maryna, and Andrea Gawrich. 2023. “The Conflict in Eastern Ukraine and International Support for the Decentralization Reform (2014-2022): Theory-Guided Observations”. East European Politics and Societies 37(3), 1036–1058.

Rabinovych, Maryna, and Anne Pintsch. 2023. “Sustainable Development: A Common Denominator for the EU’s Policy Towards the Eastern Partnership?” The International Spectator 58(1), 38–5.

Rabinovych, Maryna, and Anne Pintsch. 2023. “Compliance negotiations in EU external relations: the case of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement”. Journal of European Integration 46(2), 257–277

Rabinovych, Maryna, Tymofii Brik, Andrii Darkovich, Myroslava Savisko, Valentyn Hatsko, Serhii Tytiuk, and Igor Piddubnyi. 2023. “Explaining Ukraine’s resilience to Russia’s invasion: The role of local governance”. Governance, 1–20.

Sæther, Tobias. 2023. “War of Broken Fraternity: Competing Explanations for the Outbreak of War in Ukraine in 2014.” Journal of Slavic Military Studies. 36(1).


Aasland Aadne, Olga Filippov and Oleksandra Deineko. 2022. “Dimensions of social cohesion in a transitional society: The case of Ukraine.” Europe-Asia Studies, 75(3), 422–445.

Aasland, Aadne, Oleksandra Deineko, Olga Filippova and Sabine Kropp. 2022. РЕФОРМИ І СОЦІАЛЬНА ЗГУРТОВАНІСТЬ У ПРИКОРДОННИХ РЕГІОНАХ УКРАЇНИ В ОЦІНКАХ ГРОМАДЯН. The Ideology and Politics Journal (IPJ) 22, 191-220.

Aasland, Aadne, Olga Filippova, Oleksandra Deineko, Ruslan Zaporozjtsjenko. 2022. ДЕЦЕНТРАЛІЗАЦІЯ, СОЦІАЛЬНА ЗГУРТОВАНІСТЬ ТА ЕТНОКУЛЬТУРНА РІЗНОМАНІТНІСТЬ У ПРИКОРДОННИХ РЕГІОНАХ УКРАЇНИ. The Ideology and Politics Journal (IPJ) 22, 181-140.

Deineko, Oleksandra, Olga Filippova. 2022. ПОЛІТИКА ІДЕНТИЧНОСТІ В ПРИКОРДОННИХ РЕГІОНАХ УКРАЇНИ. The Ideology and Politics Journal (IPJ) 3, 171-190.

Kropp, Sabine and Jørn Holm-Hansen. 2022. “Why No Federalism? The Challenges of Institutionalizing a Multilevel Order in Ukraine”. In Keil, S. and Kropp, S. (eds) Emerging Federal Structures in the Post-Cold War Era. Federalism and Internal Conflicts. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Myhre, Marthe Handå, Aadne Aasland, and Jørn Holm-Hansen. 2022. “‘Crimea will forever be Russian’: dissenting Norwegian media discourses on Russia’s annexation of Crimea.” European Politics and Society, 25(1), 185–208.


Rogatchevski, Andrei. 2009. “‘Oles’ Ianchuk: Famine ’33 (Holod-33, 1991)’”, Kinokultura, Special Issue 9: Ukrainian Cinema (December 2009). 

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