UKRAINETT+ Seed Funding: Results of the first call

The first round of seed funding calls ended in July, and Ukrainett+ congratulates project leader Anne Pintsch on receiving funding for the project “Transnational Nordic-Ukrainian Municipal Cooperation During Russia’s Full-Scale Invasion.” The project is a collaboration between researchers at the University of Agder, Kyiv School of Economics, and Stockholm University.

Seven applications were received in this round, from 6 Norwegian institutions in partnership with seven Ukrainian institutions. The applications were peer-reviewed by two external experts.

The seed funding is administered by the University of Bergen, and work package leader Ingunn Lunde is pleased with both the number of applications and their generally high quality. “We look forward to the upcoming rounds of seed funding calls, and not least to the results of the grants going forward,” she says.

Ukrainett+ will issue seed funding calls twice a year for the period 2024-2026. The funds are intended for network building and project development in Ukraine-related research. The collaboration should involve both Norwegian and Ukrainian institutions. The next call is planned with a deadline of November 1, 2024.

Link to the funding page

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