Vera Faber

Research in Norway on Ukrainian Literature, (Soviet) Ukrainian Culture, Border Studies, Photography, Trauma, Cultural Memory, Semiotics, Intermedia, Intertextuality, Multilingualism.

Postdoctoral Researcher, Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions Individual Fellow

Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages (ILOS), University of Oslo


Photo: Vitaly Komlik


Vera Faber is a researcher at the intersection of Ukrainian and Russian literature, arts, and aesthetics. She holds a PhD in Ukrainian Literature (U Vienna 2017) and master’s degrees in both Russian Literature and Design. Her doctoral dissertation analyses inconsistencies in the centre-periphery discourses of the late avant-garde in the Soviet Ukraine. She is author of “Die ukrainische Avantgarde zwischen Ost und West“ (Bielefeld 2019) and co-editor of „Österreichische und ukrainische Literatur und Kunst. Kontakte und Kontexte in Moderne und Avantgarde“ (Frankfurt a.M. 2016).

Her research interests include intertextuality, intermedia, centre-periphery discourses, border aesthetics, multilingualism, trauma, cultural memory, photography, design, and the interrelations of art and politics in the Soviet Union. 2014 and 2016, she was Visiting Researcher at Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute. 2012–2014, she was OeAD-teaching fellow at Shevchenko University Kyiv. She has organized numerous projects and academic events related to Ukrainian literature and culture. Currently, she is a Marie Skłodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Oslo, Norway.

research interests

Ukrainian literature, (Soviet) Ukrainian culture, border studies, trauma, cultural memory.

selected Publications on Ukraine

  • Faber, Vera: Die ukrainische Avantgarde zwischen Ost und West. Intertextualität, Intermedialität und Polemik im ukrainischen Futurismus und Konstruktivismus der späten 1920er-Jahre. Bielefeld 2019.
  • Faber, Vera: “Polyglossie postimperial? – Zur Funktion von Mehrsprachigkeit in der ukrainischen Kultur der 1920er-Jahre”, in: Marijan Bobinac et al. (eds.), Mehrsprachigkeit in Imperien/Multi­lingualism in Empires, Zagreb 2019, p. 262–278.
  • Faber, Vera; Dmytro Horbachov and Johann Sonnleitner (eds.): Österreichische und ukrainische Literatur und Kunst. Kontakte und Kontexte in Moderne und Avantgarde. Frankfurt a. M. 2016.



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