Yngvar B. Steinholt

Førsteamanuensis /Associate Professor

Institutt for språk og kultur (ISK), UiT – The Arctic University of Norway

E-mail: yngvar.steinholt@uit.no


Yngvar Bordewich Steinholt (b. 1969) teaches Russian and East Slavonic culture, literature and history at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway. The topic of his Dr. Art. thesis (UiB 2004) are songs from the Leningrad rock club 1981-86. Steinholt has published extensively on Soviet and post-Soviet popular music, contemporary and protest art, and art activism. Steinholt co-founded the research group Russian Space? Concepts, Practices, Representations (RSCPR) with Andrei Rogatchevski in 2014 at UiT. The events in Ukraine since 2013-14, combined with the suppression of cultural opposition within Russia, as well as his role as supervisor for Arve Hansen’s MA and PhD-projects, turned Steinholt’s research interests further towards Ukraine and Belarus. The co-written monograph A War of Songs is Steinholts first publication related to Ukraine. With RSCPR members, Steinholt is currently embarking on several research projects on topic such as Ukrainian war songs, new emerging East-Slavonic identities, and the culture of the Belarusian opposition since 2020.


East Slavonic cultural identity, popular music, literature (experimental prose and poetry), contemporary art activism, social movements and protest. 




  • Hansen, Arve; Rogatchevski, Andrei; Steinholt, Yngvar B.; Wickström, David-Emil. A War of Songs: Popular Music and Recent Russia-Ukraine Relations. Ibidem-Verlag 2019; Volum 203 (nr. 203) ISBN 978-3-8382-1173-2. 
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