How does the geographical context affect our social and economic prospects?

Open lecture with two contributions to increased knowledge in the field.

We are pleased to welcome you to two exciting lectures with Professor Anna Maria Santiago from Michigan State University, USA and Professor George C. Galster, Wayne State University, USA.

Both researchers are associated with the research project A Fair Chance? How Geography Shapes Life Opportunities (FAIR) (

The lectures

Anna Maria Santiago ( «The timing of ‘final’ departures from the parental home: How gender, immigrant status, family of origin, and geography shape nest leaving among young adults in Norway.»

George C. Galster ( «Educational and Gender Heterogeneity of the Rural-Urban Earnings Premium: New Evidence from Norway.»

Date/time: 27. October, 09:15 – 10:30
Place: Pilestredet Campus, Stensberggata 26, NOVA (first floor)

Contact: Professor Lena Magnussen Turner


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