Exhibition + book launch!

Teacher Ellen Lande Gossner giving a celebration speech to her students.
The International Storytelling Program with photojournalist students from Nepal, Bangladesh and Norway has come to an end with the opening of the exhibition and book launch at OsloMet campus, Friday June 4.

Institute leader Nathalie Hyde-Clarke and faculty dean Oddgeir Osland attended the opening.
With cello, flute, Nepalese food, candy and postcards the Norwegian students invited people to celebrate the collaboration between Asia and Norway.
16 photographers were represented in the exhibition. Tea plantation workers, mushers, mental illnesses, non-binary persons and skijumping are some of the topics documented by the students in their own countries.

Student Gabriel Skålevik introducing the projects to the audience.
The freshly printed book titled “Among Others” was for sale together with posters and postcards from the projects.
The students and teachers gave speeches and performed with music.
Check the stories here: amongothers2021.com
The book is also for sale on the webpage.