The futures we IMAGINE

The IMAGINE project invites you to its end conference and exhibition!
When: December 10th – 15th 2024
Where: Litteraturhuset, Oslo
Join us to explore visions of the future through the lens of eating, dressing and moving in inspiring talks, works and conversations on December 10th.
And visit the exhibition from December 10th – 15th.
For tickets for December 10th, follow the link here.
Program December 10th
08:30 Doors open
09:00 Velkommen // Mads Bruun Høy
Nye måter å forholde seg til fremtiden på // Nina Heidenstrøm
Mellom katastrofe og utopi. Norske dagdrømmer om livet i fremtiden // Audun Kjus
Forsvinningspunkter – fortellinger om fremtider // Heidi Dahlsveen
The power of imaginaries: imagining futures of consumption // Dan Welch
Dyr i byen – En forfattersamtale om klimaromanen Dyr i byen // Marte Wulff
Future Imaginaries in Art, Policy, and Business: The Dominant and Marginal Voices // Justyna Jakubiec, Rick Dolphijn, Virginie Amilien, Lisbeth Løvbak Berg
11:30 – 12:30 LUNSJ
A story of human and technological coming togetherness // Märtha Rehnberg
Velkommen til utstilling og workshop // Marie Hebrok, Dan Lockton, Femke Coops
14:00 Exhibition Opening
14:30 – 15:30 Workshop
14:00 – 17:00 Exhibition