Gave lecture on Peace Journalism in Cartagena

MEKK member Rune Ottosen joined the IAMCR conference in Cartagena, which took place the 17th till the 20th August. His lecture on “Teaching Peace Journalism: Propaganda or critical approach.” presented an overview of the traditions of Peace Journalism.

A “Minga” takes place at the IAMCR conference in Cartagena

A very untraditional event took place this summer at the IAMCR conference in Cartagena. Indigenous people came together to create their own declaration. Head of MEKK, Roy Krøvel joined as convenor and moderator of this unconventional seminar called “Minga of Thought -Communication and Indigenous Peoples”. 200 journalists, researchers and leaders from all over the world,… Continue reading A “Minga” takes place at the IAMCR conference in Cartagena

Media scholars facing global challenges -advocators or outsiders?

The following title was also the topic of the panel debate, in which head of MEKK, Kristin Skare Orgeret, participated at the NordMedia conference of 2017. Member Anders Graver Knudsen also participated with a talk on lived experiences and conceptualisation of journalism among freelance journalists: “Walking a tightrope – Boundaries of journalism and precarious freelance journalists.” The… Continue reading Media scholars facing global challenges -advocators or outsiders?

Workshop for female journalist from West and East Africa

Professor and head of MEKK, Kristin Skare Orgeret participated in the International Federation for Journalists’ (IFJ)s Training of Trainers in Dakar, Senegal in the beginning of July. 18 female journalists from West and East Africa took part in the course which focused on Equality and Security for female journalists:  Orgeret is involved developing a similar… Continue reading Workshop for female journalist from West and East Africa