New Paper: Metrics for Educational Institutions during Pandemics
PANSOC Centre Leader Svenn-Erik Mamelund and Researcher Gerardo Chowell are authors on a recently-published paper in Avances en Interacción Humano-Computadora. The paper constructs and validates a Balanced Scorecard for survey data collected at a Mexican university during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The scorecard presents a multidimensional analysis of up-to-date data on aspects of pandemic experience such as physical and mental health, and thereby improve decision-making by frontline service providers and policymakers. The study constructed a dashboard of data collective from students at the University of Colima and tested and improved it for usability. The use of similar scorecards or dashboards at various levels may be a valuable tool for capturing and presenting data in future pandemics, which can improve the tailoring of health responses.