Barnahus research publications


Johansson, S., Stefansen, K., Bakketeig, E. & Kaldal, A. (red.) (2024). Justice and Recovery for Victimised Children – Institutional Tensions in Nordic and European Barnahus Models. Palgrave (open access) (

Johansson, S., Stefansen, K., Kaldal, A. & Bakketeig, E. (red.) (2017). Collaborating against child abuse: Exploring the Nordic Barnahus Model. Palgrave (

Anthology articles

Andersen, L. C. (2019). Mellomromsarbeid – om barnehusrådgiveres arbeidspraksiser. I Skjørten, Bakketeig, Bjørnholt og Mossige (red.). Vold i nære relasjoner: Forståelser, konsekvenser og tiltak. Kap. 10, s. 178-193. Universitetsforlaget (

Bakketeig, E. (2017). Exploring juridification in the Norwegian barnahus model. I Johansson, S., Stefansen, K., Kaldal, A. & Bakketeig, E. (Red.). Collaborating against child abuse: Exploring the Nordic Barnahus Model. Palgrave Macmillan (

Bredal, A. & Stefansen, A. (2017). Barnahus for adults? Reinterpreting the Barnahus model to accommodate adult victims of domestic violence. I Johansson, S., Stefansen, K., Kaldal, A. & Bakketeig, E. (red.). Collaborating against child abuse: Exploring the Nordic Barnahus Model. Palgrave (

Johansson, S., K. Stefansen, A. Kaldal & E. Bakketeig (2017). Implementing the Nordic Barnahus Model: Characteristics and Local Adaptions. I Johansson, S., Stefansen, K., Kaldal, A. & Bakketeig, E. (Red.). Collaborating against child abuse: Exploring the Nordic Barnahus Model. Palgrave (

Stefansen, K. (2017). Staging a caring atmosphere: Child-friendliness in Barnahus as a multi-dimensional phenomena. I Johansson, S., Stefansen, K., Kaldal, A. & Bakketeig, E. (red.). Collaborating against child abuse: Exploring the Nordic Barnahus Model. Palgrave (

Stefansen, K.; Bakketeig, E.; Johansson, S. (2023). From dissenting to conforming hybridity—Experiences from a justice sector affiliated Barnahus model. I St-Amand, A. et al. (red.). Contemporary and Innovative Practices in Child and Youth Advocacy Centre Models. Presses de L’Université du Québec

Stefansen, K., S. Johansson, A. Kaldal & E. Bakketeig (2017). Epilogue: The Nordic Barnahus model: Potentials and challenges. I Johansson, S., Stefansen, K., Kaldal, A. & Bakketeig, E. (red.). Collaborating against child abuse: Exploring the Nordic Barnahus Model. Palgrave (

Journal articles

Andersen, L.C. (2021). Phronetically Guided Use of Knowledge: Interstitial Work at Barnahus and How It Can Inform the Knowledge Debate in Social Work. The British Journal of Social Work (

Johansson, S.; Stefansen, K. (2019). Policy-making for the diffusion of social innovations: the case of the Barnahus model in the Nordic region and the broader European context. Innovation. The European Journal of Social Sciences (

Research reports

Bakketeig, E.; Berg, M.; Myklebost, T. & Stefansen, K. (2012). Barnehusevalueringen 2012. Delrapport 1. Barnehusmodellens implikasjoner for politiets arbeid med fokus på dommeravhør og rettsmedisinsk undersøkelse. PHS Forskning 6/2012 (

Bakketeig, E., Stefansen, K., Andersen, L.C. & Gundersen, T. (2021). Evaluering av Statens barnehus 2021. NOVA Rapport 12/21. Oslo: NOVA, OsloMet (

Stefansen, K.; Gundersen, T. & Bakketeig, E. (2012). Barnehusevalueringen 2012 – Delrapport 2. NOVA-rapport 9/12 (

Barnahus research

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