
Lotte C. Andersen Foto: NOVA

Lotte Cathrin Andersen

Senior Researcher, Sociologist

Research Fields: Barnahus (children’s houses), welfare services for vulnerable children, social work, young people with harmful sexual behaviours and family life.

Patrick Lie Andersen

Patrick Lie Andersen

Senior Researcher, Sociologist

Research Fields: social inequality, spatial differences, social and political participation, young people’s quality of life and violence.

Elisiv Bakketeig, forsker ved NOVA

Elisiv Bakketeig

Research Professor, Lawyer

Research Fields: Family violence and the criminal justice system (evidence and prosecutorial discretion), victim support, state governance in relation with family violence, interagency collaboration and Barnahus.

Dagmara Bossy

Senior Researcher, Sociologist

Research Fields: Long-term conditions and self-management, sexual violence between youth, children at risk, children with disabilities, institutional logic and family counselling services in Norway.

Anja Bredal

Anja Bredal

Senior Researcher, Sociologist

Research Fields: Violence in close relations in families of minority and majority background, honour based violence, forced marriage and transnational regimes of violence, tackling violence in child welfare services, the police, and criminal procedure. 

Jane Dullum

Jane Dullum

Senior Researcher, Criminologist

Research Fields: Domestic violence and the penal system, restorative justice, victim support and protective measures.

Lars Roar Frøyland

Lars Roar Frøyland

Senior Researcher, Sociologist

Research Fields: Violence and abuse among young people, technology-assisted sexual abuse, substance use, crime and deviancy, time trends and public sentiments on justice.

Tonje Gundersen

Tonje Gundersen

Senior Researcher, Sociologist

Research Fields: Child protection services, family counselling services, disability, violence, service user experiences and multi methodological approaches.   

Kristian Heggebø

Kristian Heggebø

Research Professor, Sociologist

Research Fields: Socioeconomic inequality in health, labour market attachment social benefits, social epidemiology and statistical modelling.

Lihong Huang

Lihong Huang

Research Professor

Research Fields: Learning environment, academic achievement, youth participation in society, social inequality in education, social and psychological well-being of children and adolescents and resilience.

Stian Lid

Stian Lid

Senior Researcher, Criminologist

Monika Rosten

Monika Grønli Rosten

Senior Researcher, Social Anthropologist

Research Fields: Family, migration and generation, ´negative social control´, vulnerable neighborhoods, youth crime prevention, partner violence and family counselling.

May-Len Skilbrei. Foto: J. Ystehede, UiO

May-Len Skilbrei

Research Professor, Sociologist

Research Fields:

Gerd Marie Solstad

Gerd Marie Solstad

Senior Researcher, Sociologist

Research Fields: Violence and abuse, socioeconomic inequality, the importance of sport for children and young people and critical theory.

Kari Stefansen

Kari Stefansen

Research Professor, Sociologist

Rikke Tokle

Rikke Tokle

Senior Researcher, Sociologist

Research Fields:

Monica Five Aarset

Senior Researcher, Social Anthropologist

Research Fields: Research questions in the field of family, gender, generation, ethnicity, migration and inclusion/exclusion.

Ellen Oftedal Schwenke

Senior Researcher, Sociologist

Research Fields: Youth culture, substance use, marginalization, gender, social class, sexuality and sexual violence and UngVold survey.