Funding: The Ministry of Justice and Public Security
Project period: 2015-2019
Researchers: Anja Bredal (project leader)

This is a process evaluation of a pilot project at Stovner police station in Oslo aiming at more coordinated services toward victims of violence in close relations. A Norwegian version of the Swedish so called Karin-model will consist of police personnel including domestic violence analysts and investigators as well as social service personnel.
The overall aim is to offer better, more holistic and coordinated services to adult female and male victims of interpersonal violence. The study will be based on survey data and qualitative interviews.
Bredal, A. (2019). Sikkerhet og støtte i familievoldssaker: Følgeevalueringen av Prosjekt November. NOVA Rapport 8/19
For questions about the project, contact researcher Anja Bredal, e-mail: