Funding: The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs
Project period: 2016-2017
Researchers: Tonje Gundersen ( (project leader) and Camilla Vislie

The elderly, people with mental health problems, with drug dependency, with physical or learning disabilities are at a particular risk of being victims of violence and abuse. In this study, we have asked a representative sample of 100 Norwegian municipalities if they have a system for reporting disclosed or suspected violence, abuse or neglect against this group. The result show that only 35 percent had such a system. Moreover, most of these systems related to intellectually disabled adults being victims of sexual abuse. The study also found that having a system increases disclosure of violence and abuse against adults at risk.
This knowledge is important for the ongoing work against violence and abuse in Norway. The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs commissioned the study.
Vislie, C. & Gundersen, T. (2017). Vern av risikoutsatte voksne. Kommunenes varslingssystemer for avdekking av vold og overgrep. NOVA Rapport 1/17. Oslo: NOVA (
For more information contact Tonje Gundersen, e-mail: