Funding: The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs
Research period: 2016-2017
Researchers: Ingrid Smette ( (project leader), Jane Vibeke Dullum (, Kari Stefansen ( and Mette Løvgren (

The aim of the evaluation is to provide a systematic overview of the accessibility, contents and quality of the services and facilities provided by support centres for victims of incest and sexual abuse.
There are 22 centres located in different municipalities across the country. The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Bufdir) funds the centres in cooperation with the municipalities. The centres work according to the principles of “helping people help themselves” and do not offer treatment. The evaluation will provide an assessment of the organization of the centres and their approach to self-help. The evaluation will also provide an assessment of the information work the centres offer kindergartens and schools as well as an assessment of a nation-wide phone service.
Data will be collected through visits to and interviews with leaders and employees at 13 centres and phone interviews with leaders in the remaining centres. We will distribute a survey to users through the centres and conduct 2-4 focus group interviews with users.
The project is commissioned and funded by the The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Bufdir) and carried out as part of NOVA’s Research Program on Interpersonal Violence.
Smette, I., Stefansen, K. & Dullum, J. (2017). Sentrene mot incest og seksuelle overgrep. En evaluering av sentrenes arbeid og rammevilkår. NOVA Rapport 16/17 (
For more information contact Ingrid Smette, e-mail: