Funding: Ministry of Education and Research
Project period: 2018–2019
Researchers: Jane Dullum (project leader), Elisiv Bakketeig, Svein Mossige

The focus on forced marriages and honour based violence during these last decades has resulted in the introduction of a number of strategies and measures for combatting these forms of violence. Legal strategies – i.e. applying the penal system – has increasingly become an important measure. Examples of these are the prohibition of forced marriage (section 253 of the Penal Code 2005) and the prohibition of polygamy and child marriage (below 16 years of age) (section 262).
Such legal strategies, however, are not without challenges. Many young people do not want the penal system involved because they do not want their families to be punished. This can hinder young people who may be in dire need of help and protection from seeking assistance. In this project, we therefore examine the extent to which alternatives to the criminal justice system may be effective and desirable measures.
We explore two alternative measures: The first one is the so-called Forced Marriage Protection Orders (FMPO) introduced in British civil law in 2008. The Orders aim to protect victims of forced marriages. The second measure is a collaborative project between the police and the (public) Family counselling service in Oslo. The aim of this project is through counselling, to strengthen the safety of victims of forced marriages and honour based violence, and in the long term, lay the foundation for safe contact and communication with family members.
For more information contact Jane Dullum: