Funding: Ministry of Justice
Project period: 2016-2017
Researchers: Jane Dullum ( (project leader)

Several studies have recognized that a high proportion of imprisoned women have been exposed to domestic violence and/or childhood sexual abuse. In 2004, Oslo Women’s shelter therefore established a project in Bredtveit prison for women. The aim of the project has been to strengthen the women and to prevent them from repeated victimization. In recent years, the project has met some challenges, and the Ministry of Justice and the Oslo Women’s shelter asked for an evaluation of the project. In this report, we describe the project. The report also provides a basis for the future organization of the project.
Dullum, J. (2017). Oslo Krisesenters prosjekt for voldsutsatte kvinner i fengsel ( NOVA Notat 4/17
For more information contact Jane Dullum, e-mail: