Hybrid Forum France


 Country  HF Title/ date 
France HF 1: Too many precarious people with empty stomach in Sainte-Foy-La-Grande? “Feb. 27 2021 in Sainte-Foy-La-Grande (France) 
HF 2: Too many precarious people with empty stomach in Bordeaux metroplis- May 26th 2021 in Bègles (Bordeaux Metropolis) 


The forum took place in the rural area, in a meeting room of the association “Coeur de Bastide” which is one of our partners, and which is one of the key actors helping, locally, people in situations of migrations and proposing various activities and workshops.  


The hybrid forum took place during a day split in two parts (meeting and discussions / fieldwork).  

Theme: The theme was built around the controversy written above, which launched the discussion around food precariousness and access to “quality” food for people in situations of migrations. 

Description of the hybrid forum 

Participants (17): 2 young men (25 and 17 year old) claiming being members of the « Travellers community » and engaged in food education and collective gardens ; 1 young man of the Ste Foy Youth association ; 2 co-directors of the SCOP Saluterre ; 1 female organic farmer ; 2 internationally famous agronomists ; 2 militant organic male farmers ; 1 animator with les Rateleurs ; 1 volunteer with les Rateleurs and Red Cross ; 1 self-named invalid volunteer ; 1 manager for Restos du Cœur ; 1 animator with the association of collective gardens ; 1 elected city official engaged in the Ste Foy social resource centre ; 1 manager of the Ste Foy social resource. 


  • Discussions during 21/2 hours, guided by the 2 animators 
  • A shared meal where participants had brought foods to share  
  • Collective fieldwork (outdoors) 


Morning programme

9.30am: Reception, with tea or coffee 

10am: Presentation of what is a hybrid forum and the central controversy. The research team, has also presented the Food2gather project and some observations related to our fieldwork both in Bordeaux and Ste Foy.  

10.15am: Beginning of the Forum as guided by the two animators: 

1st phase: Individual expression about representations concerning food, based on a photo language (each participant chooses one photo and explains what food means for her/him) 

2nd phase: “What do you want to do in order to answer the controversy” 

3rd phase: collective work. Participants formed working groups. They were given a sheet of paper to guide their reflection. After having identified the 3 ideas group members wished to work on, they noted the opportunities that their wishes represent, the threats and limitations for their implementation and the resources, corresponding to what they may have an impact on, through citizen actions. 

Afternoon programme:

After lunch, all participants went to the plot that one of the farmers involved in the forum offered to give to those who want to start a vegetable garden in order to provide some response to local food precariousness.  


  • The interest of participants on the subject of food, what they consider as “good food”, implying environmental, human, health criteria. Discussions have underlined the moral dimension of food and its embeddedness with politics, citizenship, solidarities, economy.  
  • The “migrant” dimension remained almost absent from the discussions, reflecting the complexity of the subject and mostly the general ignorance of the problems met by people in situation of migration and precariousness. 
  • The issue of co-construction, or how to “put words/ vegetable into people’s mouth”. And the observation that currently it is fashionable for all food aid outlets to tend a vegetable garden. 

3-2 Hybrid Forum, May 26th 2021 in Bègles (Bordeaux Metropolis) 

Theme of the Forum:

Too many precarious people with empty stomach in the Bordeaux Metropolis ?” 


The hybrid forum took place in the metropolis of Bordeaux, in Bègles, in a meeting room of L’Estey, which is also a key actor locally, helping people in migrations situations and organising activities and workshops among which food play an important role. 


The forum took place during an afternoon (meeting and discussions) 


The theme was built around the controversy written above, which launched the discussion around food precariousness and access to “quality” food for people in situations of migrations. 

Description of the hybrid forum 

Participants (17): One volunteer and general secretary for Secours Populaire in Bègles ; one Secours Populaire volunteer, with a recent migratory background; two young trainees with Secours Populaire; the cook of l’Estey; two socio-cultural animators of the same Centre; the President of the Food Bank in Nouvelle-Aquitaine; the coordinator for integration and solidarity with la MIAM (international Food resource centre) with the Centre Social et Familial Bordeaux Nord; the coordinator of the project Accès à l’alimentation et Urgence climatique with VRAC in Bordeaux; the volunteer coordinator for the association Bienvenue also volunteer involved in food aid for squats in the Bordeaux metropolis; two experts socio-economists; the person in charge of social and territorial dynamics for the Social services of the city of Bordeaux; the person in charge of health prevention and promotion for the Regional Health Agency ARS; the professional councillor for family economy for the social services of the city of Bègles; the professional in charge of food governance for the Bordeaux Metropolis. 


1.45pm: Reception of participants, coffee, tea, biscuits. 

2pm: Presentation done by the three researchers (same as for the first forum) 

2.15pm: Beginning of the Forum as guided by the two animators (same as for the first forum) 


  • The determination of many protagonists to get involved with people in situation of precariousness and migration. 
  • People engaged in food aid dynamics are more and more numerous not only to care about answering the biological function of food. 
  • The core problem with food precariousness is directly connected to the lack of real answers from public policies. 

Experiences from both hybrid forum – Some of the impacts in the two territories: 

Born of vegetable garden initiatives in Sainte-Foy-La-Grande & Dynamics of food waste reduction in the Secours Populaire of Bègles, through cooking workshops + pursuit of the solidarity vegetable garden in the Secours Populaire in cooperation with L’Estey.