Students work screened at international festival

(PHOTO): Tipping Point – the students work from last year – was presented during Chobi Mela in Bangladesh. (Photographer Docile Francis Rebeiro, Pathshala) 

Tipping Point was shown yesterday at the international photo festival Chobi Mela in Bangladesh, called the most significant photographic event in Asia. 

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Warming up in Nepal, Bangladesh and Norway

This year’s participants, teachers, mentors and alumni students gathered for an introduction day online, January 17.

Photojournalism students from Bangladesh, Nepal and Norway attended a digital “Sunday Session” this week to mark the start of this years’ collaborative Storytelling program between the three countries.

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 photojournalistic student cooperation in Nepal in March
From the last photojournalistic student cooperation in Nepal in March 

Section for Human Rights, Democracy and Gender Equality in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has given JMIC (Journalism & Media International Center) a new grant of NOK 5 million to continue the work to strengthen institutions for freedom of expression and democracy in countries in the south.  

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