Recently published and accepted journal articles by PANSOC-researchers


Jessica Dimka and Svenn-Erik Mamelund (2020): 1918 Influenza Outcomes among Institutionalized Norwegian Populations: Implications for Disability-Inclusive Pandemic Preparedness. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 22(1): 175-186.


S-E Mamelund (2021): COVID-19: The power of historical lessons”, invited editorial, in press, American Journal of Public Health

Jessica Dimka & Lisa Sattenspiel (2021): We Didn’t Get Much Schooling Because We Were Fishing All the Time”: Potential Impacts of Irregular School Attendance on the Spread of Epidemics, accepted and in press, American Journal of Human Biology.

Jessica Dimka and Svenn-Erik Mamelund (2021): Commentary: Social inequalities in infectious diseases, accepted in Scandinavian Journal of Public Health

S-E Mamelund, Jessica Dimka & Nan Zou Bakkeli (2021): Social disparities in adopting non-pharmaceutical interventions during COVID-19”, Accepted and in press, The Journal of Developing Societies, special issue Pandemics: Causes, Consequences, and Catastrophe Responses.

Presentasjon om urfolk og pandemier

Samenes nasjonaldag er 6. februar, men OsloMet tyvstarter markeringen dagen før dagen med temaene: urfolk og pandemier, og urfolk og minoriteter i skole og utdanning.

11:30: Curt Rice, rektor ved OsloMet
11.40: Hilsen fra Sametinget Inger Marit Eira-Åhrén, direktør for Sametinget
11.50: Urfolk og pandemier Svenn-Erik Mamelund, forsker 1 ved OsloMet
12.15: Urfolk og nasjonale minoriteter i skole og lærerutdanning Torjer A. Olsen, professor UiT
12.35: Hilsen fra Samisk studentforening i Oslo/Saemien Studeenth Oslovisnie Erle Bårdsdatter Sæther, leder Samisk studentforening i Oslo
12.40: 40 år siden Alta-aksjonen Universitetsbibliotekets direktør, Lars Egeland, forteller
12.45: Minikonsert ved Arvvas. I duoen Arvvas møtes Steinar Raknes (kontrabass/vokal) og Sara Marielle Gaup Beaska (joik/vokal) gjennom jazz, joik og americana.
13.00: Takk for i dag!
Ordstyrer: Vibeke Horn, programansvarlig for kultur og mangfold ved OsloMet. Arrangementet blir strømmet på OsloMets Facebookside.

OsloMets markering av samenes nasjonaldag 2021 | Facebook

We present at a webinar on COVID-19 held by University of Ottawa 16 February 2021

Our Centre leader, Svenn-Erik Mamelund, is presenting at the fourt of a series of 6 conferences on infectious disease outbreaks and the role of the social sciences in surveillance, prevention, and intervention strategies.  

Infectious Diseases Conference 4: In what ways did the past infectious disease outbreak response impact the current COVID response: Lessons Learned?

February 16, 2021 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM EST

You can register and get the web-link by sending an e-mail to: