Verdensledende gjesteforelesere til CAS og Vitenskapsakademiet 8 november 2022

Fra 15 august 2022 til 30 Juni 2023 skal senterleder Mamelund lede en forskergruppe på Centre for Advanced Study – CAS. I forbindelse med dette prosjektet har vi vært så heldige å få de verdensledende toppforskerne Jeffrey Tauenberger og John Oxford til å gi gjesteforelesninger om jakten på viruset som forårsaket spanskesyken på Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi 8 november 2022. I vedlagte lenke kan dere 1) lese mer om de to foredragsholderne og deres foredrag og 2) og allerede nå melde dere på om dere vil delta på arrangementet.

The hunt for the virus causing the 1918 influenza pandemic and how it has informed science and preparedness for future pandemics (

2nd Norwegian Historical Demography Meeting (NHDM) hosted by PANSOC 17-18 January

PANSOC has just hosted the second NHDM. The first NHDM was held in Trondheim 1-2 December 2019. The planned meetings in 2020 and 2021 were postponed due to COVID-19, but was held this rime on Zoom 17-18 January and planned and organized by PANSOC. Carla Huges, Christina Stylegar, Jessica Dimka and Svenn-Erik Mamelund were PANSOC members presenting, see program below:


Monday 17 January

12:00-12:15 Opening by Svenn-Erik Mamelund (OsloMet)

12:15-13:00 Missing Girls

  • Francisco J. Beltrán Tapia (NTNU): “Were there missing girls in Italy? Evidence from a new dataset, 1861-1921?”
  • Eftychia Kalaitzidou (NTNU): “Missing girls in Greece during the 19th and early 20th century”

13:00-13:45 Influenza

  • Christina Torjussen (USN & OsloMet): “King Sverre: The ship of death”
  • Jessica Dimka (OsloMet): “Demographic Impacts of Dynamic Interactions between Seasonal Flu and Chronic Health Conditions”

13:45-14:00 Break

14:15-15:00 Social mobility

  • Kelsey Marleen Mol (NTNU): “Social mobility among women in Hamar around 1900”
  • Kristin Ranestad (Lund U), Paul Sharp (University of Southern Denmark), & Nick Ford (Lund U): “Lessons from Oslo: Examining social mobility after the establishment of Norway’s first university”

Tuesday 18 January

09:00-09:45 Missing Girls

  • Gunnar Thorvaldsen (UiT): “Missing girls in Sandefjord town, Canada and elsewhere”
  • Marko Kovacevic (NTNU): “Malnourished girls in Norway?”

09:45-10:30 Influenza

  • Carla Hughes (OsloMet): “Suicides and the 1918 influenza in Norway”
  • Svenn-Erik Mamelund (OsloMet): “Indigenous peoples & pandemics”

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-12:00 Causes of death, social class and living conditions

  • Arne Solli, UiB: “Historical index of living conditions: some theoretical and empirical challenges”
  • Petja Lyn Langholz (UiT): “Life-course occupational social class in Northern Norway in the late 19th and early 20th century”
  • Hilde Leikny Sommerseth (UiT): “122 ways of dying: The development of a causes of death nomenclature in Norway”

12:00 Closing by Svenn-Erik Mamelund (OsloMet)

PANSOC-affiliated student won prize at a pandemic research conference

The three PANSOC-affiliated masters students, Carla Hughes, Lara Steinmetz and Christina Torjussen, all presented their projects at a pandemic research student conference in Bergen 27. October. We at PANSOC are super-proud of the all and Christina even won a prize for her work and presentation.

Kan være et bilde av en eller flere personer, folk som står og innendørs
To the far right, Eperanza Diaz Perez, leader of the Pandemic Resarch Centre in Bergen and host of the conference. Christina Torjussen at PANSOC in the middle of the picture.

Indigenous people & Pandemics

The influenza pandemics of 1918 and 2009, as well as the ongoing COVID-19, show that Indigenous people have extremely high risk of severe disease outcomes, but the reasons for this vulnerability are unclear. This week, the head of PANSOC, Svenn-Erik Mamelund, will hold a talk on Indigenous people & Pandemics for the “Indigenous Peoples and Development Branch, Division for Inclusive Social Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, at the United Nations in New York”

The influenza pandemic hit the native communities in Alaska hard. These children in an orphanage in Nushagak, Alaska, lost their parents. Summer of 1919. Source: Alaska Historical Library

The influenza pandemic hit the native communities in Alaska hard. These children in an orphanage in Nushagak, Alaska, lost their parents. Summer of 1919. Source: Alaska Historical Library

In August 2022 to June 2023, Mamelund will also lead a CAS-project on this topic. You can read more here:

Social science meets biology: indigenous people and severe influenza outcomes – CAS

Why do Indigenous people have high risk of severe influenza? – CAS,

Announcing the CAS projects 2022/23: from influenza to peace-and-conflict, and algebra – CAS

Mamelund is holding a key-note at the Annual Posthumus Conference 2021

In this key-note titled “Social Disparities & Pandemics, Mamelund will 1) present results showing that social inequality was a forgotten factor in pandemic preparedness before the COVID-19 pandemic, and speculate why this was the case; 2) present results on the social inequalities in COVID-19 pandemic disease burden and call for more research on the distal and proximal causes of these disparities; and 3) discuss how we can take both medical and social vulnerability into account in pandemic preparedness to be better prepared for the next pandemic.

To register for the conference, see here: Annual Posthumus Conference 2021 ‘Epidemics and Social Inequality’, 20-21 May – N.W. Posthumus Institute (

MSCA proposal presentations

In a call for expression of interest for writing MSCA proposals on pandemic studies this Spring, we got 20 applications and offered three candidates the opportunity to work on their applications with us. Today the candidates presented their drafts at an internal PANSOC webinar. We all believe that they have high chances of success when they submit their proposals in September.

  1. Ana Vuin: Regional health professionals’ experiences during the Covid-19 crisis: Is there a mismatch in between theory and practice?
  2. Alexandra Blinkova: Religious Views on COVID-19 as a risk factor in prevention and spread of pandemic
  3. Xanthi Tsoukli: The effects of the 1918 influenza pandemic on Poverty and Crime: Evidence from Norway

The COVID-19 locdown one year later

On the day of the one-year anniversary of the national lockdown, The Winter Seminar for Human Geographers in Norway commemorate the pandemic by inviting you to this engaging panel, where Svenn-Erik Mamelund invites two historians and two geographers to discuss the role of borders in historical and present pandemics.

Friday 12 March, 13:00-14:00 on Zoom
Register for free here, for updates and information:
Join Zoom Meeting: Launch Meeting – Zoom