Ikke alle har mulighet for å jobbe hjemmefra som smitteverntiltak

Image result for Mari Holm Ingelsrud. Size: 120 x 160. Source: www.sv.uio.no

En stor del av Norges befolkning kan jobbe hjemmefra, men vi har også mange ansatte i Norge som ikke utøver yrket sitt foran PC-en. For de fleste av disse er ikke hjemmekontor et alternativ. Ulike yrker har dermed ulike forutsetninger for å kunne følge smittevernrådene som sosial distansering i jobben. I en ny artikkel skrevet av Mari Holm Ingelsrud (som del av NFR-prosjektet CorRisk), ser hun på hvem som har og ikke har hatt mulighet for å bruke hjemmekontor som smitteverntiltak.

Les hele artikkellen her fra side 14: ramazzini-01.2021.pdf (legeforeningen.no)

Meet our Masters Student: Lara Maria Dora Steinmetz

Lara Maria Dora Steinmetz is a Masters Student of International Social Welfare and Health Policy, OsloMet. Read more about Lara and our team here: Our team – Centre for Research on Pandemics & Society (PANSOC) (oslomet.no)

  • Tell us about your project 

As COVID-19 is a respiratory virus, it rapidly spreads from person to person. Therefore, limiting the spread is highly reliant on the restriction adherence of individuals. These restrictions require intensive behavioural changes. In order to effectively promote preventive health behaviour, we must take the mechanisms that drive this behaviour into account. In my master’s thesis, I intend to examine the prevalence of a persistent human cognitive trait and its influence on the degree of restriction adherence: the optimism bias. As humans, we tend to underestimate our susceptibility for a negative event while overestimating this probability for others. This perception of invulnerability is called an optimism bias and may lead to low uptake of preventive health behaviour and in turn increase our exposure to infection. In order to shape effective non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) and increase restriction adherence, I aim to add to this knowledge.  

  • Why are you doing a masters in Norway and with PANSOC?

After completing my bachelor’s degree in Social Work last summer in Amsterdam, I wanted to extend my studies and learn about social and health issues from a global perspective. After all, COVID-19 addresses once again that societal issues transcend national borders which stresses the importance of an international perspective. This is how I enrolled in my current master’s studies in International Social Welfare and Health Policy. Subsequently, in preparation of our master’s thesis, I found a great interest in the health-related mysteries of COVID-19 that yet need to be discovered and addressed. PANSOC offers the perfect framework for this as it aims to understand these disparities in vulnerabilities and health outcomes. 

  • What are your plans for a future dream-project in academia?

Currently, we still find ourselves in the midst of a pandemic that we had hoped would already be over. All of society has had to re-shape and adapt to the current circumstances, which has caused high morbidity and mortality, as well as great discomfort and dissatisfaction in many lives. However, there will come an end to this pandemic and I would be curious to explore the aftermath of COVID-19. We have become quite used to a relatively isolated and online lifestyle, in which we may underestimate the pace of ‘normal life’ with its paired up-pace in obligations and expectations.

Not surprisingly, I would be interested to further explore and understand our coping mechanisms, what drives our health behaviour, and how this affects our health outcomes. 

In particular, I expect that the transition of society going ‘back to normal’ will have a major impact on people’s mental health, with subsequent health problems. 

Video of Prof. Simonsen’s talk on “The First year of COVID-19 Pandemic” is now available.

Image result for Lone Simonsen. Size: 163 x 110. Source: ruc.dk


Blurb: One year ago, many European countries including Denmark went into an unprecedented lockdown.  So far we have been able to suppress transmission of the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus to such an extent that less than 1 in 10 Danes have been infected so far.  And in a few months we will all be offered one of the highly effective COVID-19 vaccines that became available in record time.  Is that then the end of the pandemic? I will first discuss the knowns about the COVID-19 pandemic. First, about the collaboration with Kim Sneppen at the NBI regarding the phenomenon of superspreading, and modeling how this defining feature of the virus turns out to be an Achilles heel of the virus that has allowed effective suppression of epidemics of the virus while we waited for a vaccine.  Using Denmark as a case, I will consider the magnitude of the catastrophe that we managed to avoid so far.  Finally I will discuss accumulating data on the effectiveness of the vaccines, and discuss at various scenarios regarding our future life with COVID-19 in the vaccine era and the critical unknowns that cloud our view.

New Paper out: The role of social inequalities in the uptake of public health measures during COVID-19 in Norway

You can read the paper here: Social Disparities in Adopting Non-pharmaceutical Interventions During COVID-19 – Svenn-Erik Mamelund, Jessica Dimka, Nan Zou Bakkeli, 2021 (sagepub.com)

In the absence of vaccines to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020 governments had to respond by rely on non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs). Socioeconomic inequalities likely influenced the uptake of NPIs. Using Norwegian survey data, we study whether income was associated with increased handwashing, keeping 1 m distance, using facemasks increased use of home office, and less use of public transportation. Except for using facemasks and less public transportation in a non-work context, all analyzed NPIs showed an independent positive association with income. Social disparities in NPI uptake may be important drivers of higher risks of disease outcomes for people of lower socioeconomic status.

Levekår burde brukes til fordeling av vaksine i tillegg til den medisinske

Det ikke er nok å fordele vaksiner til kommunene etter kun den medisinske nøkkelen for å redusere risiko for smitte, sykehusinnleggelser og død, skriver senterlederen Svenn-Erik Mamelund i en ny spalte i Morgenbladet.

Her: Mangfoldskontakt Shabana Fazal, går fra dør til dør og deler ut munnbind og informerer. Stovner i Oslo er en av bydelene med høyest smitte og større grad av innvandring. Fredrik Solstad / VG / NTB

Les spalten her: Levekår og innvandrerbakgrunn må også brukes som fordelingsnøkler for vaksine | morgenbladet.no

The 3rd PANSOC webinar was recorded & is now available

Image result for Siddharth Chandra MSU. Size: 204 x 204. Source: www.researchgate.net

Please find the talk given by Professor Siddharth Chandra, Michigan State University, 18th March, on the Demographic impacts of the 1918 influenza pandemic, here:


The Q&A session can be found here:


The First Year of the COVID-19 pandemic

On the 25th of March (16:00-17:00 CET), Professor Lone Simonsen, Roskilde University, will present on “The First Year of the COVID-19 Pndemic” at the 4th PANSOC webinar this spring.

Image result for Lone Simonsen. Size: 163 x 110. Source: ruc.dk

Send e-mail to masv@oslomet.no if you wish to participate in this webinar.

Blurb: One year ago, many European countries including Denmark went into an unprecedented lockdown.  So far we have been able to suppress transmission of the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus to such an extent that less than 1 in 10 Danes have been infected so far.  And in a few months we will all be offered one of the highly effective COVID-19 vaccines that became available in record time.  Is that then the end of the pandemic? I will first discuss the knowns about the COVID-19 pandemic. First, about the collaboration with Kim Sneppen at the NBI regarding the phenomenon of superspreading, and modeling how this defining feature of the virus turns out to be an Achilles heel of the virus that has allowed effective suppression of epidemics of the virus while we waited for a vaccine.  Using Denmark as a case, I will consider the magnitude of the catastrophe that we managed to avoid so far.  Finally I will discuss accumulating data on the effectiveness of the vaccines, and discuss at various scenarios regarding our future life with COVID-19 in the vaccine era and the critical unknowns that cloud our view.

New Paper out!

The Centre leader, Svenn-Erik Mamelund, and co-centre leader, Jessica Dimka, has published an invited comment article in Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.

The comment is basically explaining the core idea of PANSOC. Here is a quote from the article:

“During pandemics like COVID-19, socioeconomic inequalities produce disparities in both disease outcomes & potential negative consequences of control measures. Preparedness and response plans must address social & medical risk factors”.

You can read the article in full here: Social inequalities in infectious diseases – Svenn-Erik Mamelund, Jessica Dimka, 2021 (sagepub.com)