PANSOC webinars spring of 2021 Thursdays 16:00-17:00 (CET)

For ZOOM-link to each of the seminars, please e-mail us at:

Painter: Svenn-Erik Mamelund

25th February: Joel Floris & Kaspar Staub, Institute of Evolutionary Medicine (IEM), University of Zurich: The “Pandemic Memory Gap”

11th March 11: Jessica Dimka and S-E Mamelund, both at Oslo Metropolitan University: “The role of SES in adopting non-pharmaceutical interventions during the first wave of COVID-19 in Norway”

18th March: Siddharth Chandra, Michigan State University, USA: “Demographic impacts of the 1918 influenza pandemic”

25th March: Lone Simonsen, Roskilde University, Denmark: “The First Year of the COVID-19 pandemic”

15th April: Rick J. Mourits, International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam, the Netherlands: “Occupational characteristics and spatial inequalities in mortality during 1918-9 influenza pandemic in the Netherlands”

22nd April: Lisa Sattenspiel, University of Missouri, USA: “Comparing COVID-19 and the 1918 flu in rural vs. urban counties of Missouri”.

29th April: Taylor Paskoff University of Missouri, USA: “Determinants of post-1918 influenza pandemic tuberculosis mortality in Newfoundland”.

6th May: Gerardo Chowell-Puente, Georgia State University, USA: “Comparative analysis of excess mortality patterns during pandemics in Arizona and Mexico”.

20th May: Jessica Dimka, Oslo Metropolitan University: “Disability, Institutionalization, and the 1918 Flu Pandemic: From Historical Records to Simulation Models”. (1600-1730 CET)

10th June: Prof. Erica Charters, University of Oxford, “How epidemics ends”.

PANSOC webinar: The “Pandemic gap”

Joël Floris & Kaspar Staub, Institute of Evolutionary Medicine (IEM), University of Zurich, presents on the “Pandemic gap” at PANSOC webinar series 25th February 16:00-17:00 (CET). For ZOOM-link to the seminar, please e-mail us at:

See the full program of 9 webinars this spring here: PANSOC webinars – Centre for Research on Pandemics & Society (PANSOC) (

Blurb: “But as is so often the case in our country, the population is needed. We, dear fellow citizens, have it in our hands”: This public call from the President of the Swiss Confederation, Simonetta Sommaruga, on 21 March 2020 for all people to work together to counter the coronavirus pandemic is of utmost relevance because the population and its behaviour are the most important aspect in an epidemic. But experiences of past epidemics in the public at large are insufficient and we postulate a pandemic disaster memory gap, particularly in Switzerland among the general public. Consequently, we are calling for more science communication to a wider public, as well as to policy-makers.

For a short introduction to the concept of “Pandemic memory gap”, please see thus Op-Ed published in in Swiss Medical Weekly 12.11.2020: Swiss Medical Weekly – Op-eds – The “Pandemic Gap” in Switzerland across the 20th century and the necessity of increased science communication of past pandemic experiences (

The COVID-19 lockdown one year later: Pandemics and borders

Our Centre leader, Svenn-Erik Mamelund is chairing a plenary at the Winter Seminar in Human Geography Friday 12 March 1300-1400 (CET).

For the ZOOM-link to this webinar e-mail or register here: Winter Seminar in Human Geography 2021 – Session registration – Nettskjema

This panel brings together two historians and two geographers to discuss the role of borders in historical and present pandemics. The speakers will present for 7-10 minutes before the panel opens for questions from the chair, the audience and speakers.


1. Ulrikke Bryn Wethal (University of Oslo) discusses how social practices compete, interact and are negotiated in the ‘home-as-office’ during the COVID-19 pandemic.

2. May-Brith Ohman Nielsen (University of Agder) thematizes microbes, borders and historians, and points out how the relationship between epidemics and borders has been characterized by a two-sided dynamic within the history of science and medical history.

3. Ole Georg Moseng (University of South-Eastern Norway) will problematize connections between pandemics and borders through globalization, expert advice, pandemic control without vaccines, and global inequality in health.

4. Marta Bivand Erdal (Peace Research Institute Oslo) will address issues and concerns related with seasonal labor migration and the spread of COVID-19.

Recently published and accepted journal articles by PANSOC-researchers


Jessica Dimka and Svenn-Erik Mamelund (2020): 1918 Influenza Outcomes among Institutionalized Norwegian Populations: Implications for Disability-Inclusive Pandemic Preparedness. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 22(1): 175-186.


S-E Mamelund (2021): COVID-19: The power of historical lessons”, invited editorial, in press, American Journal of Public Health

Jessica Dimka & Lisa Sattenspiel (2021): We Didn’t Get Much Schooling Because We Were Fishing All the Time”: Potential Impacts of Irregular School Attendance on the Spread of Epidemics, accepted and in press, American Journal of Human Biology.

Jessica Dimka and Svenn-Erik Mamelund (2021): Commentary: Social inequalities in infectious diseases, accepted in Scandinavian Journal of Public Health

S-E Mamelund, Jessica Dimka & Nan Zou Bakkeli (2021): Social disparities in adopting non-pharmaceutical interventions during COVID-19”, Accepted and in press, The Journal of Developing Societies, special issue Pandemics: Causes, Consequences, and Catastrophe Responses.

Presentasjon om urfolk og pandemier

Samenes nasjonaldag er 6. februar, men OsloMet tyvstarter markeringen dagen før dagen med temaene: urfolk og pandemier, og urfolk og minoriteter i skole og utdanning.

11:30: Curt Rice, rektor ved OsloMet
11.40: Hilsen fra Sametinget Inger Marit Eira-Åhrén, direktør for Sametinget
11.50: Urfolk og pandemier Svenn-Erik Mamelund, forsker 1 ved OsloMet
12.15: Urfolk og nasjonale minoriteter i skole og lærerutdanning Torjer A. Olsen, professor UiT
12.35: Hilsen fra Samisk studentforening i Oslo/Saemien Studeenth Oslovisnie Erle Bårdsdatter Sæther, leder Samisk studentforening i Oslo
12.40: 40 år siden Alta-aksjonen Universitetsbibliotekets direktør, Lars Egeland, forteller
12.45: Minikonsert ved Arvvas. I duoen Arvvas møtes Steinar Raknes (kontrabass/vokal) og Sara Marielle Gaup Beaska (joik/vokal) gjennom jazz, joik og americana.
13.00: Takk for i dag!
Ordstyrer: Vibeke Horn, programansvarlig for kultur og mangfold ved OsloMet. Arrangementet blir strømmet på OsloMets Facebookside.

OsloMets markering av samenes nasjonaldag 2021 | Facebook

We present at a webinar on COVID-19 held by University of Ottawa 16 February 2021

Our Centre leader, Svenn-Erik Mamelund, is presenting at the fourt of a series of 6 conferences on infectious disease outbreaks and the role of the social sciences in surveillance, prevention, and intervention strategies.  

Infectious Diseases Conference 4: In what ways did the past infectious disease outbreak response impact the current COVID response: Lessons Learned?

February 16, 2021 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM EST

You can register and get the web-link by sending an e-mail to: