In a new opinion piece in the Norwegian newspaper Morgenbladet, we argue that the bi-directional association between mental illness and pandemics needs to be taken into account in pandemic preparedness.
S-E Mamelund (2021): COVID-19: The power of historical lessons”, invited editorial, in press, American Journal of Public Health
Jessica Dimka & Lisa Sattenspiel (2021): We Didn’t Get Much Schooling Because We Were Fishing All the Time”: Potential Impacts of Irregular School Attendance on the Spread of Epidemics, accepted and in press, American Journal of Human Biology.
Jessica Dimka and Svenn-Erik Mamelund (2021): Commentary: Social inequalities in infectious diseases, accepted in Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
S-E Mamelund, Jessica Dimka & Nan Zou Bakkeli (2021): Social disparities in adopting non-pharmaceutical interventions during COVID-19”, Accepted and in press, The Journal of Developing Societies, special issue Pandemics: Causes, Consequences, and Catastrophe Responses.
Samenes nasjonaldag er 6. februar, men OsloMet tyvstarter markeringen dagen før dagen med temaene: urfolk og pandemier, og urfolk og minoriteter i skole og utdanning.
11:30: Curt Rice, rektor ved OsloMet 11.40: Hilsen fra Sametinget Inger Marit Eira-Åhrén, direktør for Sametinget 11.50: Urfolk og pandemier Svenn-Erik Mamelund, forsker 1 ved OsloMet 12.15: Urfolk og nasjonale minoriteter i skole og lærerutdanning Torjer A. Olsen, professor UiT 12.35: Hilsen fra Samisk studentforening i Oslo/Saemien Studeenth Oslovisnie Erle Bårdsdatter Sæther, leder Samisk studentforening i Oslo 12.40: 40 år siden Alta-aksjonen Universitetsbibliotekets direktør, Lars Egeland, forteller 12.45: Minikonsert ved Arvvas. I duoen Arvvas møtes Steinar Raknes (kontrabass/vokal) og Sara Marielle Gaup Beaska (joik/vokal) gjennom jazz, joik og americana. 13.00: Takk for i dag! Ordstyrer: Vibeke Horn, programansvarlig for kultur og mangfold ved OsloMet. Arrangementet blir strømmet på OsloMets Facebookside.
Norway is starting its vaccination programme and people facing high medical risk are first in line. But medical conditions aren’t the only factors to consider when protecting people from a deadly virus.
Our Centre leader, Svenn-Erik Mamelund, is presenting at the fourt of a series of 6 conferences on infectious disease outbreaks and the role of the social sciences in surveillance, prevention, and intervention strategies.
Infectious Diseases Conference 4: In what ways did the past infectious disease outbreak response impact the current COVID response: Lessons Learned?
February 16, 2021 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM EST
You can register and get the web-link by sending an e-mail to:
About a year ago I was contacted by the artists known as Rose Hammer, who were interested in learning more about the Spanish flu. The result is now ready: A radio play in 8 episodes. It is great when research can inspire art!