Our Collaborators

Collaboration with industry and other research institutions, is an essential aspect of our work. We have collaborated with a wide range of organizations in Norway and abroad.

Private and public sector organizations:

We have supervised projects in collaboration with many companies:

  • Contractors: GK Inneklima AS, Veidekke AS, Oras AS, ÅF (Engineering AS, Reinertsen AS, Infrastruktur AS), NCC AS, Randem & Hübert AS, Aker Solutions AS, Agathon Borgen AS, Vestfold Klima & Ventilasjon AS, Euromiljø AS, BSI AS (bought by Windowmaster AS), Airtight AS, SAAS Prosjekt, KE Automasjon AS

  • Consultancies: Norconsult AS, Multiconsult AS, Erichsen & Horgen AS (Now part of Multiconsult), Sweco AS, AF gruppen, Rambøll AS, COWI AS, Ingenia AS, Asplan Viak AS, WSP Engineering AS, Hjellnes Consult AS, ThermoConsult AS, Energima AS, OBOS prosjekt AS, OEC Consulting AS

  • Property management: Thon Gruppen, Forsvarsbygg, Undervisningsbygg Oslo KF, Sykehusbygg HF, Oslo universitetssykehus HF (OUS), Omsorgsbygg Oslo KF, Eiendomsspar AS, Avantor AS, Jernbaneverket

  • Authorities: Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE), Directorate for building quality (DiBK), Asker municipality, Drammen municipality, Ringerike municipality, Nord-Trøndelag fylkeskommune

  • Manufacturers/suppliers: IMI Hydronic AS, Uponor AS, Swegon AS, Systemair AS, Flexit AS, Camfil AS, SunNet AS, Spesialprodukter Sør AS, Munters AS, F-tech AS, Splitkon AS, Glava AS

  • Associations: Norwegian Energy- and Environmental Engineering Association (NEMITEK AS). Norwegian Heat Pump Association (NOVAP), International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA), Standard Norway, Ingénieurs sans frontiers, Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association (NAAF), Fagrådet for våtrom (FFV)

Academic and research institutions:

Institutions in Norway:

  • Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU), dept. Department of Energy and Process Engineering and the Centre for Sports Facilities & Technology (SIAT), in Trondheim, Norway: PhD-training, student projects, and coauthorship.

  • Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Faculty of Science and Technology, in Ås, Norway: Student project collaboration.

  • SINTEF Community, in Oslo, Norway: Collaboration on student projects, contract research, and postdoc positions.

  • University of Oslo (UiO), Environmental Science research group at the Department of Chemistry: Collaboration on indoor air chemistry sampling in projects BestVent and Urban Ventilation.

  • National Institute of Occupational Health (STAMI): Collaboration on indoor air quality Research

  • Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO): Undergraduate teaching Collaboration

  • Norwegian Institute for Public Health (Folkehelseinstituttet): Development of asthma in children

  • Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU): Student support in research Projects

  • Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology (Treteknisk): Student projects and contract Research

Institutions abroad:

  • Aalborg University (AAU), dept. of Civil Engineering, in Aalborg, Denmark: Collaboration on undergraduate & postgraduate teaching.

  • Technical University of Denmark (DTU), dept. of Civil Engineering: Collaboration on postgraduate teaching, and coauthorship.

  • Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures (CBS) Fungal Biodiversity Centre, The Netherlands

  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece: Student and staff exchange, research collaboration, coauthorship