Author name: martheha

Recent developments in the war in Ukraine: Different perspectives and prospects, Friday 21 June at 11:00 – 12:30 online

The Norwegian Network for Research on Ukraine (UKRAINETT) are pleased to invite you to a digital seminar with Head of the Hybrid Warfare Analytical Group at the Ukraine Crisis Media Center in Kyiv, Volodymyr Solovian and Senior Research Fellow at the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment, Tor Bukkvoll. The seminar will discuss military and political aspects of […]

Recent developments in the war in Ukraine: Different perspectives and prospects, Friday 21 June at 11:00 – 12:30 online Read More »

Open lecture by Victor Yushchenko at OsloMet, Wednesday 8. May 14.30 – 15.45

OsloMet and UKRAINETT invites you to an open lecture by former president of Ukraine (2005-2010). Victor Yushchenko is well known as a front figure of the Orange Revolution in Ukraine in 2004, which started Ukraine’s path towards closer integration with Western Europe. Many will remember the election campaign in late 2004, when Yushchenko was poisoned with

Open lecture by Victor Yushchenko at OsloMet, Wednesday 8. May 14.30 – 15.45 Read More »

Seed funding for project development and research cooperation aimed at Ukraine-related research

The Ukrainett+ project (2024–2026) has allocated funds to stimulate research project development and cooperation involving Norwegian and Ukrainian researchers and institutions. Application deadline: 1 June 2024. Ukrainett+ is an RCN-funded project that aims to expand and consolidate cooperation between Norwegian and Ukrainian institutions of research and higher education, and to stimulate research on Ukraine. Ukrainett+

Seed funding for project development and research cooperation aimed at Ukraine-related research Read More »

Film screening at the university of Oslo: Finding Babel

Meet director and film producer David Novack in conversation with Anna Chebotarova about his film Finding Babel. The conversation and film. March 11. 18.00 – 20.00 Georg Sverdrups hus, Auditorium 2, University of Oslo, Blindern For more information in Norwegian: Filmvisning – Finding Babel – Institutt for litteratur, områdestudier og europeiske språk (

Film screening at the university of Oslo: Finding Babel Read More »

Public lecture with Tetiana Kostiuchenko at UiO 7. March: “Ukrainian societal resilience in times of war”

Starting from the Maidan Revolution of Dignity in 2013, Ukraine’s society has increasingly held checks and balances on Ukrainian politics and served as a backbone in holding Ukrainian politicians accountable. Welcome to a public lecture with Dr. Tetiana Kostiuchenko.

Public lecture with Tetiana Kostiuchenko at UiO 7. March: “Ukrainian societal resilience in times of war” Read More »

Conference at UiT: A decade since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

UiT -The Arctic University of Norway is organising an inter-disciplinary conference to mark a decade since Russia began its war on Ukraine. The conference is scheduled to take place on 22 February 2024 at UiTs campus in Tromsø. The keynote speaker is Oleksandra Matviichuk, the head of the Centre for Civil Liberties. More information and

Conference at UiT: A decade since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine Read More »

Presentasjon av boken “Spesialoperasjon. Ukraina og Russland”

Senter for slaviske og østeuropeiske studier ved Universitetet i Oslo. Tid og sted: 26. okt. 2023, 16.00 – 17:30, Universitetet i Oslo, Blindern, Sophus Bugges hus, seminarrom 1. Møt forfatteren John Færseth i samtale med Pål Kolstø   Om boken: 24. februar 2022 invaderte Russland Ukraina. Dette var ikke starten på Russlands krig mot Ukraina,

Presentasjon av boken “Spesialoperasjon. Ukraina og Russland” Read More »

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