Voldsprogrammets forskere deltar denne helgen på The European Conference on Domestic Violence i Belfast.
Forskergruppen har ansvaret for symposium 6:

Experiences of violence and sexual abuse in a normal Norwegian youth population
Seks av forskerne deltar med følgende papers:
- The truth serum of surveys.
Mette Løvgren and Svein Mossige - Maximising disclosure – a survey into the prevalence of sexual violence.
Kari Stefansen, Ingrid Smette and Mette Løvgren - Violence and self-harm – an investigation of a complex relationship.
Svein Mossige and Lihong Huang - Prevalence of self-reporting physical and sexual violence among young Norwegians – is there a change over time?
Lihong Huang and Svein Mossige