On Monday, 20th of November, HiOA and the city of Oslo will host the first debate about the development of an Age-Friendly City. The event is free and will have the presence of HiOA’s rector Curt Rice, and Inga Marte Torkildsen from the City Council for Elderly, Health and Social Services in Oslo.
Age-friendly cities is the topic chosen for the first debate series organized by Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (HiOA) and the city of Oslo. The main focus of this debate will be “outdoor areas and physical activity”.
Researchers Guri Mette Vestby from NIBR, and Ingar Brattbakk and Aina Landsverk from AFI will present results from their most recent research projects addressing questions such as: How can we create good and “senior-inclusive” city spaces? What does it mean to create urban spaces for older persons in practice? Do we only consider the functionality and the buyers when the neighborhoods are developed?
When: Monday, 20th November 2017 from 14.00 to 16.00
Where: Pilestredet 52 (first floor), Oslo.
Entrance is free.
For more information: