New Paper out: “Health, work, and contributing factors on life satisfaction: A study in Norway before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Nan Zou Bakkeli is the author of this new paper published in SSM Population Health
Nan Zou Bakkeli is the author of this new paper published in SSM Population Health
COVID-19 has shown that people with disabilities are at increased risk of severe illness and death during pandemics. Interacting biological and social factors likely contribute to these differences. For example, risks are especially high for those living in institutions.
Yet, few researchers have studied the experiences and outcomes of disabled people during past pandemics, including the 1918 influenza pandemic. As part of the webinar series of the Centre for Research on Pandemics & Society at Oslo Metropolitan University, Jessica Dimka, Ph.D., will present the main results of her Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship in her talk, “Disability, Institutionalization, and the 1918 Flu Pandemic: From Historical Records to Simulation Models.”
Key points of the talk include:
The talk will conclude with a discussion of the relevance of this work for COVID-19 and future pandemics, including areas of future research, policy implications, and the disabling effects of pandemics.
For a Zoom link, please contact or
The talk will be in English, and International Sign interpretation is arranged. For general questions about the webinar including accessibility concerns, please contact or
On May 6, doctoral fellow Sushma Dahal presented on her work with Dr. Gerardo Chowell. Watch “Excess mortality patterns during influenza pandemics” here:
Senterlederen har skrevet ny spalte i Morgenbladet og spør Blir det en korona-babyboom? – Morgenbladet. Hvordan COVID-19 kan ha påvirket frukbarhet er dessuten et spørsmål som FN også er opptatt av. Mamelund er invitert til et webinar10-11 mai (United Nations Population Division Expert Group Meeting on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Fertility) og vil gi et innlegg om hvordan Spanskesyken påvirket fruktbarheten i årene 1918-1920.
Prof. Chowell-Puente, is at Department of Population Health Sciences, Georgia State University School of Public Health, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Please send e-mail to if you wish to participate in this webinar.
Blurb: Multiple factors such as low testing rates, test sensitivity, and misclassification of the cause of death hamper the derivation of reliable estimates of pandemic mortality burden. Estimating all-cause excess mortality above an expected mortality baseline can provide a reliable picture of the overall mortality burden during a severe pandemic event. In this talk, we focus on our work estimating mortality impact of the 1918 influenza pandemic and the COVID-19 pandemic. We will present a comparative analysis of excess mortality patterns by age, cause of death, and variation at the county level in the state of Arizona as well as its impact on natality and stillbirth risk. In light of these findings, we reflect on the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic Mexico, including a discussion of the public health implications of our findings.
Taylor Paskoff, University of Missouri, USA, presented on “Determinants of post-1918 influenza pandemic tuberculosis mortality in Newfoundland”. You can find the recordings here:
Dette er et komplisert spørsmål. I dette intervjuet har senterlederen svart på hva han tenker når FNs klimapanel og IPBES peker på overforbruk, overbefolkning og klimakrise som årsaker til pandemier.
Du kan lese intervjuet her: Etterlyser fokus på årsaken til koronapandemien – Dagsavisen
We are pleased to announce the planned schedule for the Fall 2021 PANSOC Webinar Series. For Zoom links to the webinars, please email
19 August: Elizabeth Wrigley-Field (University of Minnesota) & Martin Eiermann (University of Berkeley): “Racial Disparities in Mortality During the 1918 Influenza Pandemic in United States Cities.”
2 September – SPECIAL TIME: 17:00-18:00 CET – PANSOC’s MSCA Candidates:
9 September: Ida Milne, Carlow College: “Forgetting and Remembering the Great Flu: Collecting and Shaping Narratives.”
16 September: Mathias Mølbak Ingholt, Roskilde University, Denmark: “Occupational Characteristics and Spatial Differences During an Intermittent Fever Epidemic in Early 19th Century Denmark.”
23 September: Mary Sheehan, University of Melbourne: “Women and the Spanish Influenza Pandemic in Melbourne, Australia, in 1919.”
30 September: Howard Phillips, University of Cape Town: “The Silence of the Survivors. South Africans and the Memory of the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918.”
7 October: Guido Alfani, Bocconi University: “Unravelling the Mysteries of Seventeenth-Century Plagues: The Contribution of Micro-Demographic Approaches.”
14 October: Lianne Tripp, University of Northern British Columbia: “The 1918/19 Influenza: Hidden Heterogeneity in an Island Population.”
21 October: Amir Afkhami, The George Washington University: “From Cholera to COVID19: Continuity and Change in Iran’s Pandemic Experience.”
28 October: Hampton Gaddy, University of Oxford: “Re-estimating the global and national death tolls of the 1918-20 pandemic: Updating Johnson and Mueller (2002).”
11 November: Sharon DeWitte, University of South Carolina: “Social Inequality and Pandemic Mortality: The Biosocial Context of the 14th-Century Black Death.”
18 November: PANSOC’s Master’s Students:
2 December: Madeleine Mant, University of Toronto Mississauga: “Going Viral: COVID-19 and Risk in Young Adult Health Behaviour Models.”
9 December: Tamara Giles-Vernick, Institut Pasteur: “Complex local vulnerabilities and the COVID-19 pandemic in France.”
16 December: John Eicher, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies and Pennsylvania State University – Altoona: “A Digital History Approach to Analyzing Memories of the 1918 Flu Pandemic.”
Taylor Paskoff, University of Missouri, USA, presents on “Determinants of post-1918 influenza pandemic tuberculosis mortality in Newfoundland”.
Send e-mail to to get the zoom-link.
Blurb: In some places around the world, the severe impact of the 1918 influenza pandemic is considered to be the turning point for tuberculosis mortality, in that the former declined significantly after the pandemic due to possible selective effects. I investigate tuberculosis mortality trends on the island of Newfoundland for the first four decades of the 20th century (1900-1939) to identify where, or if, a significant decline in tuberculosis mortality occurred that could have been associated with the 1918 influenza pandemic. These mortality patterns are discussed in terms of the historical context of the island, including cultural and behavioral determinants that may have overshadowed any pathogenic selective effects.
Professor Lisa Sattenspiel compared the 1918 influenza with COVID-19 in rural and urban areas of Missouri, USA: