En kunnskapsoppsummering om sosialfaglig kompetanse: et delprosjekt i prosjektet «Kunnskap for sosialt medborgerskap» (OsloMet)

Kunnskap om sosialt medborgerskap er et prosjekt som undersøker ulike sider ved sosionomers arbeid i organisasjoner og institusjoner utenfor Nav. Kompetansebegrepet står sentralt i all utdanning og en generell definisjon er at kompetanse er summen av kunnskap, ferdigheter og holdninger (NOU2018:2, s. 14-15).

Prosjektet tar utgangspunkt i definisjonene av kompetanse i NOU 2018:2. Deretter søkes det etter litteratur om kompetanse generelt og sosialfaglig kompetanse spesielt, nasjonalt og internasjonalt. I diskusjonen sammenlignes den generelle forståelsen av kompetanse med forståelsen(e) av sosialfaglig kompetanse.

Hvis det passer å utvide prosjektet, så kan litteraturgjennomgangen sammenlignes med kompetansebegrepet i pensum i sosionomutdanningen, eller med sosionomers svar på utvalgte spørsmål i noen av de semi-strukturert intervjuene i prosjektet. Det kan for eksempel være fokus på spørsmål om kompetansebakgrunn og arbeidsprosesser. Studenten bør delta på et 10 -vekttalskurs om litteraturoversikter som går som valgemne høsten 2022.

Prosjektet er aktuelt for studenter med sosialfaglig utdanning. Ta kontakt med Simon Innvær (simoninn@oslomet.no) hvis du er interessert i å skrive masteroppgave innenfor dette tema.

Family Partner – Samskaping, implementering og evaluering av en intervensjon som skal forhindre barnemishandling

Family Partner-prosjektet vil utvikle og forbedre tjenestene for barn som vokser opp med risiko for mishandling, som er en av de mest sårbare gruppene i samfunnet.

Barnevernstjenestene har behov for flere evidensbaserte tiltak for oppfølging av utsatte familier med komplekse behov. «Family Partner»-prosjektet har som mål å utvikle, implementere og evaluere en ny intervensjon for barnevernstjenesten. «Family Partner» er et tiltak som blir levert av en erfaren «familiepartner», ved 1) hjemmebesøk og tett oppfølging av familiene, 2) Foreldreveiledning og 3) koordinering av velferdstjenestene. Dette vil gi bedre tjenester for barn i en sårbar situasjon, forbedre familienes innflytelse over og tillit til velferdstjenestene, forbedre barnas livssjanser, og forhindre mishandling av barn. «Family Partner» er et utfordrende og komplekst forsøk på offentlig innovasjon, hvor vi samarbeide med flere og ulike aktører: internasjonale forskere, norske kommuner, SOS Barnebyer, brukermedvirkere, og nasjonale og kommunale aktører.

Prosjektet vil

  • utvikle tiltaksmanualen og tilpasse denne til barnevernstjenesten,
  • fasilitere implementeringen av «Family Partner» i tre norske kommuner, 
  • evaluere kommunal implementering, med tanke på tilpasning, aksept, nytte og kostnader av tiltaket,
  • forberede en randomisert, kontrollert utprøving av programmet i den kommunale barnevernstjenesten i flere kommuner

Foreslåtte tema, problemstillinger eller hypoteser som studentene kan forfølge i masteroppgaven

  • Hvordan kan profesjonsutøvere samarbeide med forskere og andre aktører om utvikling av intervensjoner?
  • Hvilke utfordringer møter barnevernet når de skal ta i bruk nye og omfattende intervensjoner i en etablert praksis?
  • Litteraturgjennomganger av f.eks. effekter av bestemte elementer innenfor familiebehandling, oppfølgingsmetodikk osv. Vi har erfaring med gjennomføring av denne typen studier.
  • Er det mønstre i hvordan profesjonsutøvere følger opp familier i ulike faser?
  • Dersom studenter har andre relevante problemstillinger innenfor tematikken, er vi åpne for disse.


Rapporteringer fra profesjonsutøveres møte med familier (kvantitative data). Intervju av profesjonelle familiepartnere. Studenter i prosjektet bør også gjennomføre egne intervjuer. Vi vil bistå med kontakt mellom student og informant.

Relevante studieprogram

Sosialt arbeid, barnevern, familiebehandling og International Sosial welfare and Health Policy.

Maksimum antall studenter



Eirin Pedersen, https://www.oslomet.no/om/ansatt/peei/, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Eirin-Pedersen

Anne Grete Tøge, https://www.oslomet.no/om/ansatt/anneto/, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Anne-Toge

Noe for deg? Send en epost til anneto@oslomet.no. Forklar hvorfor du vil jobbe med akkurat dette temaet, og hvilke problemstillinger du vil undersøke.

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WEST: Sustainable societies in the 21st century: From welfare states to eco-social states, project 2: The ecological dilemma of the Norwegian welfare state

We would be pleased to supervise students who are interested in this key contemporary policy dilemma and would like to analyse the preconditions for achieving a successful reconciliation or balancing of social and ecological objectives. 


On the one hand, Norway is known for its generous and inclusive welfare policies. On the other hand, as an affluent society with high levels of material consumption and with state finances supported by huge past and present revenues from oil and gas production, the country faces a strong moral obligation to do its fair share to combat global warming.

The implementation of costly measures to reduce domestic climate gas emissions and initiatives to phase-out highly profitable oil and gas-related industries would appear to threaten the financial sustainability of popular welfare policies and the material wellbeing of the population in general and, potentially, the economically weaker segments in particular. Hence, concerns for social welfare in the contemporary national context are potentially at odds with globally oriented ethical arguments and global and intergenerational ecological concerns.

Project description

WEST approaches the ecological dilemma of the Norwegian welfare state in three thematically distinct work packages that students may contribute to with their dissertations.   

  • Work Package (WP) 1 asks why an eco-social transition is justified or even a moral obligation in the Norwegian case. We will study the normative arguments around Norway’s obligation towards present and future generations domestically and abroad given its position as an affluent nation whose wealth is in part built on fossil fuel production. We discuss how – from a transnational as well as domestic perspective – the concern for future citizens’ welfare might come at the expense of opportunities for people living today, leading to tensions between current and future generations.
  • WP 2 asks what is the scope for policy change in an eco-social direction? Based on the assumption that popular attitudes matter for the possibilities of political action and that this is a crucial factor in shaping the direction of climate and social policy, we use data from Norwegian Monitor to examine the developments of public acceptance of different policy measures in the ecological and social spheres over time as well as investigate patterns of interactions and co-variation of preferences towards policies in the two spheres among individuals with different socioeconomic and political backgrounds.
  • WP3 asks how the European Union’s European Green Deal strategy and especially the idea of a ‘just transition’ (European Commission, 2019) is relevant for and could affect Norwegian social and labour market policy and the design of the Norwegian welfare state?

Methods and data:

Under both perspectives 1 and 2 described above, students will develop their dissertation topics and research designs in collaboration with the supervisor(s). Dissertations may be based on both qualitative and quantitative methods and data, depending on the chosen thematic focus. Examples of potential qualitative data include official government documents, political party programmes, stakeholder position papers, expert interviews.

Quantitative data could, for instance, be aggregate comparative statistical indicators from Eurostat, OECD, the UN and/or other international and/or national sources, cross-nationally comparative or national individual opinion survey data (including the European Social Survey, Eurobarometer, the International Social Survey Programme).

Potential supervisors (subject to availability and dissertation topic)

Mi Ah Schoyen, NOVA

Marianne Takle, NOVA

Axel West Pedersen, NOVA/SAM

Therese Dokken, NOVA

We also collaborate with researchers from CICERO in Oslo, the University of Tübingen, Germany and the University of Southampton, UK.

Contact person: We encourage potentially interested students to contact Mi Ah Schoyen (miah.schoyen@oslomet.no) as soon as possible and to submit a short outline (1-2 pages) of preliminary ideas along with a brief CV by March 15 2022.

Presentation as PDF:

WEST: Sustainable societies in the 21st century: From welfare states to eco-social states, Project 1: Cross-national comparative or supranational analyses

We offer supervision to MA students who would like to study the welfare state-climate change nexus, from a cross-national comparative and/or supranational European perspective.  


Since the 1970s European societies have undergone significant transformation. Labour markets and family structures have become more instable. International economic competition associated with globalisation have intensified, and the consequences of expected demographic trends have put social protection systems and eldercare under pressure. These developments have underpinned the emergence of new kinds of social risks. Therefore, in the 1990s and the 2000s much of the comparative welfare state literature was concerned with how welfare states could and should respond to these changes. The sustainability of advanced welfare states was at stake, but this challenge was mainly couched in social and economic terms.

Two decades into the new millennium the mentioned challenges of population ageing, instable labour markets and family structures have not disappeared. Nonetheless, the question of sustainability in the context of European welfare states can no longer be reduced to a matter of balancing long-term fiscal and social concerns. In the 21st century it should be commonplace for social policy scholarship to include the ecological dimension when discussing the sustainability of modern welfare states.


Examples of questions and themes that could be further developed in a thesis include (but are not limited to):

  • The politics of eco-social policy: What social, ecological and economic interests and associated actor constellations are mobilised in the political struggles over the ‘green’ transition at national and/or European level? How and why do these differ across countries and with what consequences for policy output?
  • The political potential for reforms that push welfare states in a ‘sustainable’ direction, including studies of popular attitudes, political party/electoral manifestos or elite discourses.
  • Are some welfare models or varieties of capitalism better at balancing long-term ecological and contemporary social concerns. If so, what are the mechanisms driving differential policy performances?
  • What is the significance of factors like inequality and distribution in different types of welfare states? Under which institutional conditions do they hamper or facilitate the development of balanced eco-social policy agendas? 
  • There is a knowledge gap regarding the implications of climate change and mitigation for the social risks against which traditional welfare states are designed to protect, such as poverty. Related to this, are the ‘old’ tools and institutions of social protection sufficient to meet the social challenges linked to climate change/climate policy? What implications do climate change have for the funding of future welfare programmes?

Methods and data:

Students will develop their dissertation topics and research designs in collaboration with the supervisor(s). Dissertations may be based on both qualitative and quantitative methods and data, depending on the chosen thematic focus. Examples of potential qualitative data include official government documents, political party programmes, stakeholder position papers, expert interviews.

Quantitative data could, for instance, be aggregate comparative statistical indicators from Eurostat, OECD, the UN and/or other international and/or national sources, cross-nationally comparative or national individual opinion survey data (including the European Social Survey, Eurobarometer, the International Social Survey Programme).

Potential supervisors (subject to availability and dissertation topic)

Mi Ah Schoyen, NOVA

Marianne Takle, NOVA

Axel West Pedersen, NOVA/SAM

Therese Dokken, NOVA

We also collaborate with researchers from CICERO in Oslo, the University of Tübingen, Germany and the University of Southampton, UK.

Contact person: We encourage potentially interested students to contact Mi Ah Schoyen (miah.schoyen@oslomet.no) as soon as possible and to submit a short outline (1-2 pages) of preliminary ideas along with a brief CV by March 15 2022.

Download the presentation as pdf here:

CEDIC: ‘Homebound’ children and their use of technology to reconnect with school

Are you interested in social, ethical, political or legal issues concerning digital citizenship and the digitalization of the public sector?

CEDIC is an Excellent Academic Environment at OsloMet with the mission to produce groundbreaking research, provide training and advancement of mid- and early-stage researchers, and provide a fertile student environment for PhD and MA students. MA students who work on projects for CEDIC will be members of and participate in a multidisciplinary research team.

Research Centre for Digitalisation of Public Services and Citizenship (CEDIC) – OsloMet


The welfare state is undergoing an unprecedented structural transformation with increasing digitization of public services. These technological transformations have the potential to relocate life chances in ways that are likely to be asymmetrical in terms of who are able to benefit from them, raising concerns of access, de-humanization, effectiveness, equity, service provision and precision.

CEDIC aims to produce new knowledge about how the digitalization of public services impact different groups, such as the elderly, ethnic minority groups, persons with disabilities, and claimants and beneficiaries of means-tested social assistance. We combine sociological, psychological, philosophical, technical, legal and human rights perspectives, and are interested in how the provision of digital social services across the different welfare regimes of Europe.

Project description

Recent decades have seen increased interest in ‘homebound’ children, who are unable to attend school because of symptoms, treatments or recovery from illness. In becoming homebound, a child is removed from a social context that constitutes four to six hours of their daily lives. This can lead to both educational and social setbacks, with the child becoming likely to fall behind in instruction, feel isolated from their peers, and experience loneliness and depression.

One promising development for homebound children is the recent advances in communication technologies. A key example is the piloting of telepresence robots in an increasing number of schools. Telepresence robots are video conferencing devices fitted onto remote-controlled robots, allowing homebound children to communicate with peers and navigate a remote environment autonomously.

We invite MA students to explore what telepresence robots and similar technologies can – and cannot – offer students who are homebound for illness-related reasons. Possible projects can include:

  1. Reanalysis of interviews with AV1 users: We have already conducted 160 interviews with homebound children, teachers, healthcare workers and other stakeholders of the telepresence robot AV1. These data are rich in details on various user experiences with AV1 and can easily be used for a qualitative MA thesis.
  2. Different experiences by different groups: One pressing issue is how AV1 (and similar technologies) offers different benefits and challenges for different user groups. For instance, while we know relatively much about how the robot is used by children with cancer or chronic fatigue syndrome, studies have only begun to look at how telepresence robots are used by children who suffer from ‘school avoidance’ (skolevegring) in relation to social anxiety, autism spectrum disorder, or similar disabilities. The few interviews we have done on school avoidance suggests that telepresence robots can be particularly useful for this user group; however, we need more knowledge on exactly how, for whom, and to what extent the robot can be beneficial for these users.
  3. How telepresence technology is regulated: Telepresence robots have yet to be fully recognized by the public services. Their legal status is often unclear, and authorities have yet to decide on how the use of telepresence robots relates to issues such as privacy, rights to participation, etc. Moreover, as telepresence robots have yet to be recognized as part of any formal public support scheme, their use is limited to those individuals who have the funds to acquire one privately (or through charities or similar organizations). We need more knowledge on how such political, legal and bureaucratic issues impact on the use and non-use of telepresence technologies.

Data sources: We can provide access to some of the 160 interviews with users, teachers, healthcare workers and other stakeholders of AV1. We are also interested in students who can gather new material, either through reviewing existing research, studying political documents, or interviewing health- and social care workers. Other suggestions are of course welcome.

Number of students: 1-3 students

Contact persons:

Research assistant Maria Lokna: marialok@oslomet.no

Professor Rune Halvorsen: rune.halvorsen@oslomet.no

Professor Marit Haldar: marit.haldar@oslomet.no

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CEDIC: Digitalisation and life-course inequalities

Are you interested in social, ethical, political or legal issues concerning digital citizenship and the digitalization of the public sector?

CEDIC is an Excellent Academic Environment at OsloMet with the mission to produce groundbreaking research, provide training and advancement of mid- and early-stage researchers, and provide a fertile student environment for PhD and MA students. MA students who work on projects for CEDIC will be members of and participate in a multidisciplinary research team.

Research Centre for Digitalisation of Public Services and Citizenship (CEDIC) – OsloMet


The welfare state is undergoing an unprecedented structural transformation with increasing digitization of public services. These technological transformations have the potential to relocate life chances in ways that are likely to be asymmetrical in terms of who are able to benefit from them, raising concerns of access, de-humanization, effectiveness, equity, service provision and precision.

CEDIC aims to produce new knowledge about how the digitalization of public services impact different groups, such as the elderly, ethnic minority groups, persons with disabilities, and claimants and beneficiaries of means-tested social assistance. We combine sociological, psychological, philosophical, technical, legal and human rights perspectives, and are interested in how the provision of digital social services across the different welfare regimes of Europe.

Project description

Technological change has major implications for social inequality. Most of the research focuses on changes in skill requirements and labour market transformation. Yet, digitalization more than ever before has the potential to impact inequalities across a wide range of life domains and for different groups of societies. We invite MA students to examine how digitalization affects social inequalities.

For instance, students may address one of the following questions: Are gender inequalities intensified or alleviated by technological changes? Do digital technologies foster family relations across generations? What are the implications of changes in skills requirement at work for the reproduction of social inequality? Can elderly benefit from technological advancements or are they left behind? How does digitalization impact ethnic inequalities and segregation (e.g. language barriers, labour market integration)? How does digitalization of welfare state services influence people’s use and take up of their social rights?

Data sources: We have already collected 30 life-course interviews with men and women at risk of poverty and social exclusion in Norway. The data set covers a variety of interviewees between 25 and 75 years old. The data have been collected for the EUROSHIP project. (In Norwegian)

The students will be involved in summarizing and interpreting the data together with senior researchers in the EUROSHIP project, and will be invited to attend workshops with the other national research teams in the EUROSHIP project.

Number of students: 1-2 students (the students should be fluent in Norwegian)

Contact persons:

Professor Rune Halvorsen: rune.halvorsen@oslomet.no

Marit Haldar mariha@oslomet.no

Research assistant Maria Lokna: marialok@oslomet.no

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CEDIC: Implementation of web accessibility regulations in the EU member states

Are you interested in social, ethical, political or legal issues concerning digital citizenship and the digitalization of the public sector?

CEDIC is an Excellent Academic Environment at OsloMet with the mission to produce groundbreaking research, provide training and advancement of mid- and early-stage researchers, and provide a fertile student environment for PhD and MA students. MA students who work on projects for CEDIC will be members of and participate in a multidisciplinary research team.

Research Centre for Digitalisation of Public Services and Citizenship (CEDIC) – OsloMet


The welfare state is undergoing an unprecedented structural transformation with increasing digitization of public services. These technological transformations have the potential to relocate life chances in ways that are likely to be asymmetrical in terms of who are able to benefit from them, raising concerns of access, de-humanization, effectiveness, equity, service provision and precision.

CEDIC aims to produce new knowledge about how the digitalization of public services impact different groups, such as the elderly, ethnic minority groups, persons with disabilities, and claimants and beneficiaries of means-tested social assistance. We combine sociological, psychological, philosophical, technical, legal and human rights perspectives, and are interested in how the provision of digital social services across the different welfare regimes of Europe.

Project description

The Web Accessibility Directive was adopted by the European Union in 2016.  The directive provides persons with disabilities with better access to websites and mobile apps of public services. How has the directive been implemented in Norway (or a different European country)? What have been the issues at stake? Which mechanisms and processes (“factors”) have influences on how the directive has been implemented? What do we know about the output or outcomes of the directive? Which enforcement mechanisms are in place? How effective has the directive been in promoting web accessibility in Norway (or a different European country)?

Possible data sources: policy documents and position papers from national public authorities, the parliament, and stakeholders (e.g. Digitaliseringsdirektoratet, LDO, NHO and organisations persons with disabilities in Norway). Expert or stakeholder interviews are also relevant data sources. 1-2 students (the student studying the case of Norway should be fluent in Norwegian)

Number of students: 1-2 students (the student studying the case of Norway should be fluent in Norwegian)

Contact persons:

Research assistant Maria Lokna: marialok@oslomet.no

Professor Rune Halvorsen: rune.halvorsen@oslomet.no

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CEDIC: Social regulation of web accessibility in the EU

Are you interested in social, ethical, political or legal issues concerning digital citizenship and the digitalization of the public sector?

CEDIC is an Excellent Academic Environment at OsloMet with the mission to produce groundbreaking research, provide training and advancement of mid- and early-stage researchers, and provide a fertile student environment for PhD and MA students. MA students who work on projects for CEDIC will be members of and participate in a multidisciplinary research team.


The welfare state is undergoing an unprecedented structural transformation with increasing digitization of public services. These technological transformations have the potential to relocate life chances in ways that are likely to be asymmetrical in terms of who are able to benefit from them, raising concerns of access, de-humanization, effectiveness, equity, service provision and precision.

CEDIC aims to produce new knowledge about how the digitalization of public services impact different groups, such as the elderly, ethnic minority groups, persons with disabilities, and claimants and beneficiaries of means-tested social assistance. We combine sociological, psychological, philosophical, technical, legal and human rights perspectives, and are interested in how the provision of digital social services across the different welfare regimes of Europe.

Project description

The Web Accessibility Directive was adopted by the European Union in 2016.  The directive provides persons with disabilities with better access to websites and mobile apps of public services. It took more than a decade to negotiate the content of the directive. What was the original position of the Commission and how did the negotiations influence on the final directive?

Possible data sources

Policy documents and position papers from the Commission services, the European Parliament, stakeholders such as Business Europe and the European Disability Forum, and the member states. Expert or stakeholder interviews are also relevant data sources.

Number of students: 1 student

Contact person: Professor Rune Halvorsen: rune.halvorsen@oslomet.no

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Frelsesarmeen: Seks aktuelle masterprosjekter hos Frelsesarmeens barne- og familievern

Frelsesarmeens barne- og familievern har ikke kapasitet til å si ja til samtlige prosjekt. Vi vil ha kapasitet til å følge opp maks 2-3 av de ovenstående forslag til prosjekter, og vil vurdere ut fra innkomne søknader hvilke dette blir. Se kontaktinfo nederst for mer informasjon.

PROSJEKT 1: Psykisk helse hos barn i barneverninstitusjoner – får barna hjelpen de har behov for?

Frelsesarmeens barne- og familievern driver 7 barneverninstitusjoner og 3 fosterhjemstjenester. Vi er godkjent for plasseringer etter omsorgsparagrafene, §§ 4-4, 6.ledd & 4-12. Vi arbeider etter modellen barnets behov i sentrum, hvor barnets behov er omdreiningspunktet for den omsorgen som gis. Det er viktig å samarbeide med tjenester og samarbeidspartnere rundt barnet, som kan bidra til god helse og utvikling.

Aktuelle problemstilling og forskningsspørsmål:

På hvilke måter sikrer man/ jobber ansatte for å sikre barnet psykisk helsehjelp når de bor på institusjonen?

Hvordan fungerer samarbeidet med psykisk helsevern? Hvordan kan samarbeidet bli bedre og hvordan kan vi sikre best hjelp til riktig tid?


Intervju eller gruppeintervju med ansatte og ledere i våre barneverninstitusjoner. Det kan også ev. benyttes spørreundersøkelser blant ansatte og/eller barn og samarbeidspartnere. Informanter rekrutteres via våre ansatte.

Antall masterstudenter: 2

Aktuelt for sosialt arbeid/barnevern/ familiebehandling.

PROSJEKT 2: Kartlegging av barn/ungdom i våre tiltak – barneverninstitusjoner og fosterhjem

I vår virksomhet har vi utviklet en del kartleggingsverktøy i tråd med vårt kunnskapsgrunnlag. Vi tenker det vil være interessant å se på hvordan vi kartlegger barns behov i våre tiltak og hvordan vi benytter denne informasjonen til å hjelpe barna. Det er interessant å se om verktøyene er formålstjenlig og om de sikrer god medvirkning.

Aktuell problemstillinger

Hvilke metoder har vi for kartlegging av barn/ungdom i våre tiltak og hvordan bidrar kartleggingsverktøyene til å gi en retning for målrettet arbeid med barn/ungdom i det miljøterapeutiske arbeidet?

Hvordan kan kartlegging bidra til bedre miljøterapeutisk endringsarbeid i samarbeid med barna og ungdommene?

Metode: Intervjue ansatte

Antall masterstudenter: 2

Aktuelt for sosialt arbeid/barnevern/ familiebehandling.

PROSJEKT 3: Familie og nettverksarbeid i våre barneverntiltak

Vi legger stor vekt på å samarbeide med familie og nettverk da vi tenker det er en forutsetning for gode plasseringer. Vi har utviklet rutiner og verktøy for å involvere familie og nettverk. Det er interessant å belyse hvordan dette arbeidet opp mot familie og nettverk fungerer i praksis, og om det fungerer til barnas beste.  

Aktuelle problemstillinger

Hvilke metoder har vi for samarbeid med familie og nettverk, og hvordan fungerer det i praksis? Hvordan kan det praktiske samarbeidet med familie og nettverk sies å fungere til «barnets beste?«

Hvordan kan familierådsmodellen som en metode bidra til godt samarbeid og god involvering fra familien?

Er det behov for veiledningsmateriale og verktøy for bedre systematikk i dette samarbeidet?

Metode: Intervju av ansatte ved institusjonene

Antall masterstudenter: 2

Aktuelt for sosialt arbeid/barnevern/ familiebehandling.

PROSJEKT 4: Akutt behov for et sted å bo, men hvilke andre behov? Familienes utfordringer utover behov for et sted å bo på Grefsen korttidsboliger for barnefamilier

Frelsesarmeens barne- og familievern driver 7 barneverninstitusjoner, 3 fosterhjemstjenester, forebyggende tjenester og en korttidsbolig for barnefamilier på Grefsen i Oslo. Korttidsboligen for barnefamilier på Grefsen i Oslo, har vært et tilbud over flere år for familier som trenger akutt behov for et sted å bo. Dette skal være et bedre alternativ andre tilbud for familier i en akutt, vanskelig livssituasjon. Det er bydelene i Oslo som hovedsakelig henviser familier. Vi ser at familiene har sammensatte problemer og at det ikke bare er bolig alene som er problemet for flertallet. Vi ser også dessverre at familien kommer i denne situasjonen flere ganger. Vi er interessert i å få kartlagt litt mer rundt familiene, hvilke behov de har, hvem er de sentrale hjelperne rundt familiene, hvordan kan eventuelt hjelpen de trenger koordineres bedre og man kan få til gode, langsiktige løsninger som kan bidra til å forebygge at de kommer i en tilsvarende situasjon igjen.

Aktuelle forskningsspørsmål og problemstillinger:

  • Hvilke utfordringer har familiene som bor ved Grefsen korttidsboliger? Hvilke utfordringer utover det å ikke ha noe sted å bo er fremtredende? Hvordan kunne det eventuelt vært arbeidet forebyggende, for at familien ikke hadde kommet i den situasjonen de har kommet i? Hvilken hjelp opplever familiene å ha fått til sine utfordringer?

Metode- dataressurser/informanter

  • Spørreundersøkelser og/eller intervju eller gruppeintervju med ansatte, familier som bor på Grefsen og eller samarbeidspartnere.

Antall masterstudenter: 2

Aktuelt for sosialt arbeid/barnevern/ familiebehandling.

PROSJEKT 5: Rollen som miljøterapeut i våre barnevernsinstitusjoner

Frelsesarmeens barne- og familievern driver 7 barneverninstitusjoner og 3 fosterhjemstjenester. Vi er godkjent for plasseringer etter omsorgsparagrafene, §§ 4-4, 6.ledd & 4-12. Vi har mange ansatte i våre institusjoner og rollen som miljøarbeider/miljøterapeut er en viktig rolle i det miljøterapeutiske arbeidet med barna og ungdommene. Denne rollen krever mye, det er mange arbeidsoppgaver som ligger til rollen og det er store krav til jobbutførelse.

Aktuelle forskningsspørsmål og problemstilling:

Hva innebærer rollen som miljøterapeut/miljøarbeider på våre barneverninstitusjoner? Hva er de viktigste oppgavene og hva er innholdet i stillingen? Hvordan opplever miljøarbeidere/miljøterapeuter mestring i jobben? Hva er de viktigste kvalitetene en miljøarbeider/miljøterapeut har? Hvor viktig er formelle kvalifikasjoner for å være en god miljøterapeut og hvor viktig anses personlig egnethet å være?

Metode: Intervju eller gruppeintervju med ansatte og ledere i våre barneverninstitusjoner. Det kan også ev. benyttes spørreundersøkelser blant ansatte og/eller barn og samarbeidspartnere.

Antall masterstudenter: 2

Aktuelt for sosialt arbeid/barnevern/ familiebehandling.

PROSJEKT 6: Etikk og etiske dilemmaer ansatte står i

Frelsesarmeens barne- og familievern driver 7 barneverninstitusjoner og 3 fosterhjemstjenester. Vi er godkjent for plasseringer etter omsorgsparagrafene, §§ 4-4, 6.ledd & 4-12. Vi har et kunnskapsgrunnlag hvor vi legger til grunn at vi blant annet arbeider i tråd med en traumesensitiv tilnærming og løsningsfokusert tilnærming. Vi ønsker å se på hvordan de ansatte har en forståelse av etiske dilemmaer og hvordan de kan reflektere over disse i sin arbeidshverdag.

Aktuelle problemstillinger: Hvilke etiske dilemmaer står ansatte i? Hvordan håndterer den enkelte ansatte dilemmaer som han/hun står i? Hvilke arenaer finnes for å reflektere over etiske dilemmaer? Hvordan kan etisk refleksjon og modeller gå sammen og gjennomføres i større grad i virksomheten?


Spørreundersøkelser og/eller intervju eller gruppeintervju med ansatte og ledere i våre barneverninstitusjoner.

Antall masterstudenter: 2

Aktuelt for sosialt arbeid/barnevern/ familiebehandling.


Frelsesarmeens barne- og familievern har ikke kapasitet til å si ja til samtlige prosjekt. Vi vil ha kapasitet til å følge opp maks 2-3 av de ovenstående forslag til prosjekter.

  • Vi forbeholder oss retten til å velge det tema/den problemstilling vi tror mest på og som har mest praktisk nytteverdi for vår virksomhet. Vi er også åpne for at det kan være andre temaer/problemstillinger fra studenter som kan være interessante og ha nedslagsfelt i vår virksomhet.
  • Vi ønsker å legge som premiss at masterprosjektet ender opp i en kort rapport eventuelt veileder med faglige anbefalinger knyttet til det aktuelle tema/problemstilling som blir presentert for Frelsesarmeens barne- og familievern med tanke på å kunne videreføre anbefalinger i praktisk faglig utviklingsarbeid.

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CEDIC: Digitale familieliv / Digital Family Life

English description below

En av flere overordnede satsninger ved Institutt for sosialfag er området digitalisering av velferdstjenester. Miljøet CEDIC (Research Centre for Digitalisation of Public Services and Citizenship) har i dag mange prosjekter på gang, og flere tema i arbeid. Et av de brede områdene vi jobber med å utvikle problemstillinger på, er digitalisering og familie. Foreløpig er paraplyen av prosjekter på dette feltet ganske stor og dekker mange spørsmål. Så her kan en student bidra med å stake ut kursen for videre forskning på digitale familieliv med en god masteroppgave.

Randi Wærdahl, er professor ved Institutt for sosialfag, med interesse for mellom annet familie og oppvekst, foreldreskap, kjønn, sosial ulikhet, migrasjon og velferd.  Randi er først og fremst interessert i noen som kan utvikle en problemstilling innenfor en forståelse av familie som praksis, for eksempel framsyning (display: Finch 2009) og representasjoner av familier i sosiale medier, digitale foreldrepraksiser og forhandling om foreldreskap online (i blogger, diskusjonsforum e.l.). Andre problemstillinger innenfor nye digitale intimiteter (se f.eks. Jamieson 1998) eller nye familiekonfigurasjoner, overganger og transformasjoner (se f.eks. Widmer 2010) gjennom det digitale, er også aktuelt.

Jeg er også åpen for å diskutere problemstillinger knyttet til pågående diskusjoner om å publisere eller ikke publisere bilder av barn på sosiale medier. 

Studenten må selv samle sammen empiri og søke NSD om bruken av denne, men med god støtte fra veileder. I et slikt prosjekt kan det brukes datamateriale tilgjengelig fra nettet, og vil sammen ha grundige diskusjoner rundt hva som kan brukes som empiri og hvordan studenten får tilgang til foreliggende data på en forskningsmessig forsvarlig måte.

Prosjektet er aktuelt for alle studieretningene: Sosialt arbeid, barnevern, familiebehandling eller ‘international social welfare and health policy’, men problemstillingene vil sannsynligvis være litt ulike gitt den studieretning en har valgt. Det beste ville være om 2-3 studenter var interessert i denne type problemstillinger, slik at de kunne utgjøre en liten forskergruppe sammen, ledet av meg, men med støtte i hverandre.

Her finner du mer om Randi Wærdahl:  https://www.oslomet.no/om/ansatt/randwa/

Og her finner du CEDIC:  https://www.oslomet.no/en/cedic

Kontaktperson: Randi Wærdahl randwa@oslomet.no


One of the areas that our department has paid special attention to over the last years, is digitalisation of welfare services. CEDIC is an umbrella for many projects in the field. Now we are trying to strengthen the research portfolio with projects in the area of digitalisation and the family- As this is still a broad area, a student can here have a chance to influence the ways we will narrow down the field for research in our group through a good master thesis. 

My name is Randi Wærdahl, and I am a professor at the department, with an interest in families, parenting, childhood, gender, social inequalities, migration and social welfare among other things. I also have a particular interest in innovative methods.

For this project I am interested in someone who can develop a research question within a framework of understanding family as a practice, e.g. as family display (Janet Finch) representations of family life on social media, digital parenting practices and negotiation of parenting online through parenting fora, blogs etc.  I will also welcome project that draw on theories of new digital intimacies (see e.g. Jamieson 1998) in forming and sustaining families and family relations, from dating and mating, to digital childcare. Last, but not least, projects that explore new family configurations (see e.g. Widmer), transitions and transformations of the family through digital practices, is welcomed. Or, if you have a project cutting across all the above ideas. Your academic fantasy is the limit, so if you can argue that your project relates to digital family life, I will take it into consideration.

There is no collected or limited material present for this project (yet), but lots of it is available online. We will indeed discuss what can be used as data, how to access them in an ethical and researchable way. The students will decide on their own data and apply NSD for the use of them, with support from the supervisor. I supervise on all master specialisations in the Department, including ‘international social welfare and health policy’. Ideally 2-3 students with similar interest could form a research group, supported by me, and with access to recourses such as meetings and lectures on the CEDIC platform. But individual students are welcome, if a group is not possible.

This is me:  https://www.oslomet.no/om/ansatt/randwa/

This is CEDIC:  https://www.oslomet.no/en/cedic

Contact person: Randi Wærdahl randwa@oslomet.no