Fall 2021

Meetings take place every other Tuesday, according to the calendar below (*changes to the program may occur)

Starting time: 15:15

Location: Hybrid (P38 and ZOOM – please sign up to our Lab´s newsletter to receive the meeting link and other updates)

7 September

First meeting of the new semester and year: welcome!

Program: presentation of the members of the Lab, presentation of new students.

21 September

Title: Continuation of presentations and discussion of possible projects

Program: Expectations from Lab meetings, draft of the schedule for this semester, Q&A

5 October

Title: Project presentation and article writing

Program: Students and faculty present completed and ongoing projects; Gunnar informs about the process of writing a scientific article

19 October

Title: Performance management and behavioral sciences

Program: Jon Ivar Johansen is founder, adviser, and writer. He is joining our Lab meeting to talk about some of his ongoing projects and explain how students may particiapte.

2 November

Title: Developing future-ready teachers

Program: Helen Rogers, CEO of New School, shares with us the work that New School does and describes possible collaboration projects, both short- and long term.

16 November

Title: Project forum (Replaces Lab meeting)

Program: This Lab meeting is replaced by the project forum, which is organized by faculty in the Masters’ program and starts in the morning of the same day.

30 November

Title: Seminar

Program: on this meeting, several members and collaborators of the Lab present their ongoing research on the topcis of cultural phenomena, selection, and cooperation.

14 December

Title: (edited) PhD project and preparations for 2022

Program: (edited) Per Andreas Langeland presents a PhD idea for discussion: Whistleblowing in a system perspective – discovering a self-similar biological model

Cybernetic thinking in understanding why whistleblowing processes sometimes go wrong – and how “consciousness elasticity” is a key to integrate and learn form critical sensory information in the system as a whole.

We will be using the rest of the time to discuss and provide feedback to any student projects underway and, lastly, prepare the schedule and contents of next semester’s Lab meetings.