Spring 2019

Presentation: All lab members shall briefly present their research topic Ideas and projects to develop further will be presented and discussed with current and new student members.

Notes: A great chance to get acquainted with our Lab and hear interesting theses opportunities!

Presentation: We present 3 founding papers that represent the bases for our lab’s conceptual and empirical work. After the presentations we discuss the articles together.

Paper reading:

Paper 1: Complexity and selection: implications for organizational change (2004), presented by Ingunn Sandaker

Paper 2: Natural, behavioral and cultural selection-analysis: an integrative approach (2016), presented by Kalliu Couto

Paper 3: Complexity Rising: From Human Beings to Human Civilization, a Complexity Profile (2002), presented by Fabio Bento

Projects discussion:


We will discuss the concept of operant, and relate it to a cultural level of analysis, and our lab’s conceptual approach.

Paper reading: TBA

Projects discussion:


Presentation: Melina Vaz will present and discuss her data and findings on the public goods game she has been running.

Paper reading:

Projects discussion:


Presentation: Ivana Vucic presents her PhD project on mapping and intervening on fixed and growth mindsets

Discussion: We are going to discuss “identity” under a behavior analytic perspective; How it can be operationalized ? Explanations from different perspectives, Controlling events at individual and group level? Function of the term in everyday use?


NO Lab meeting today. See you next week!

*This is a trial presentation of our colleagues’ symposium at NAFO (Storefjell, 26-28 April, in Norwegian)

Workshop:  Prestasjons- og endringsledelse: Hvordan benytte Organizational Behavior Management på en arbeidsplass

Facilitators: Hilde Mobekk and Sigridur Soffia Sigurjonsdottir

Sammendrag: Anvendt atferdsanalyse handler om mye mer enn anvendelse hos bruker. På samme måte som forståelse og bruk av forsterkning gir en bedre hverdag for brukerne, kan det bidra til en bedre hverdag for ansatte.
Bruk av atferdsanalyse for prestasjons- og endringsledelse kalles Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) og har vært forsket på siden syttitallet. I denne forelesningen vil det gis en innføring i OBM med fokus på nyttige verktøy og anvendelse av OBM på arbeidsplassen.
Formålet er at alle, både ledere og ansatte, skal kunne ta med seg noen nyttige metoder og ideer tilbake til arbeidsplassen. Disse kan implementeres allerede på mandag.
Den første delen omhandler empirisk støttede verktøy innen “human services” i OBM. Den andre delen inneholder praktiske øvelser og eksempler på bruk av OBM på arbeidsplassen. Den siste delen gir deg inspirasjon til å benytte Nudging som verktøy for atferdsendring hos grupper.

Presentation 1:

Carla Suarez: Theory of fairness and Aversion to Inequity: what variables can affect the behavior of participants?

Recommended paper reading: The ontogeny of fairness in seven societies

Presentation 2:

Thais Guimaraes: Effects of negative punishment on metacontingencies: an exploratory experimental research

There are few studies about the effect of negative punishment on the selection and maintenance of ethical self-control responses (i.e., cooperative responses) in metacontingencies. Such subject addresses behavioral relations underlying contemporary social issues, such as the depletion of natural resources, pollution, and corruption. If we look closely at such situations, we will likely find a lack of cooperation, that is, a prevalence of selfish behavior. If we assume that behaving cooperatively will move us towards solving some of these social problems, there will be a long way for science to go. In this sense, the questions of this research revolve around a) the variables influencing the increase of the frequency of cooperative responses, and b) the specific effects of negative punishment on cooperative responses. To do so, investigate them in an experimental environment is the first step. Thus, the presentation will address the result of some methodological variations of the application of negative punishment in an experimental environment.”

Recommended paper reading: Skeptic’s Corner: Punishment — Destructive Force or Valuable Social “Adhesive”?

Coordinated responses under concurrent schedules of reinforcement 

Presentation: Coordinated responses under concurrent schedules of reinforcement

In a choice situation, organisms allocate responses/time among two or more alternatives. The Generalized Matching Law (GML) describes a functional relation between responses allocation and amount, duration or value of reinforcement distribution. Much of the research within GML literature has focused on the allocation of responses of a single organism. Among the few exceptions, most studies have explored group matching law in applied settings. For example, Alferink et al. (2009) and Vollmer and Bourret (2000) investigated how variance in choosing two-point versus three-point shot pitches in basketball games. Reed et al. (2011) and Critchfield, Meeks and Stilling, (2014) used the GML and its parameters to explain play choice (rush or pass) in American football games. While discussing their results, Reed et al. (2011) pointed out that they could not identify specific variables related to payer’s allocation, and called for experimental studies of the phenomena. We will present a series of experiments aiming at investigating the pair’s joint responses to concurrent variable schedules of reinforcement in an experimental setting. Choice analyzed as individuals and collective responses to VI-VI schedules.

In this first meeting, we welcome new students and present the current lab research project and semester activities.


Paper reading:

Projects discussion:
