Spring 2018

Presentation 1: Karoline Giæver Helgesen

Talk on how to formulate a written candidate profile and possible utilization of the master’s degree in Learning in Complex Systems

Any material shall be made available on the FB group before the event; questions are appreciated and welcome!

Presentation 2: Tete Kobla Agbota, Fabio Bento & Kalliu Couto:

Metacontingencies: Social Networks, Further Developments, Contributions, and Applications

Preview of Symposium #125 ABAI San Diego

This is the last lab meeting for this semster. See you back in August 2018!

Presentation 1: Brittany Di Santi

Guest presentation from the Applied and Experimental Behavior Analysis in Clinical Practice research group.

Presentation 2: Elise Furrebøe, Hilde Mobekk & Marco Tagliabue

The Rise of Behavioral Economics in Relation to Behavior Analysis: Nudging and the Skinnerian Tradition.

Symposium style presentation in preparation for ABAI 2018

Presenter: Kalliu Couto

Theme: Cultural analysis from a behavior analytic perspective

We will be discussing recent advances in the study of cultures from a behavior analytic perspective in the light of the metacontingency concept. The discussion will revolve around the concept history, contributions from our lab and think tanks (including the latest (03/2018).

Presenter: Fabio Bento

Theme: The Science of science: academic production described as a complex, self-organizing, and evolving network of scholars and ideas

Paper reading: Fortunato, S., Bergstrom, C. T., Börner, K., Evans, J. A., Helbing, D., Milojević, S., … & Vespignani, A. (2018). Science of science. Science359(6379), eaao0185.

Activity 1) Presenter: Gunnar Ree

Theme: Writing a review article – a general introduction and some practical advice

Activity 2) Presenter: Magnus Johansson

Theme: How Ecological Momentary Assessment and Interventions can be used in OBM research

Paper reading: A Smartphone Ecological Momentary Assessment/Intervention “App” for Collecting Real-Time Data and Promoting Self-Awareness

With Guests from Brazil. 

Meeting time: 09:00 to 15:00

Aecio Borba and Angelo Sampaio  will present their research projects and work on cultural behavior analysis. 

Aecio Borba has received his Ph.D. and is currently an Assistant Professor at Universidade Federal do Pará, UFPA, Brasil. His research focuses on Behavior Analysis with emphases on cultural selection and subjectivity; organizational and work psychology, with emphases on organizational culture.

Angelo Sampaio has received his Ph.D. from Universidade de São Paulo and is currently an Assistant Professor at Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, UNIVASF, Brasil. His research focuses on processes involved in metacontingencies and cooperation, especially instructional control (or rules). He is also interested in epistemology, methods in behavior analysis and conceptual discussions regarding politics and ethics.

Activity 1) Presenter: Sigridur Sigurjonsdottir

Theme:  Positive and Negative Reinforcement on concurrent schedules. Can behavior analysis agree with mainstream psychology?

Paper reading:Magoon, M. A., & Critchfield, T. S. (2008). Concurrent Schedules of Positive and Negative Reinforcement: Differential-Impact and Differential-Outcomes Hypotheses. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 90(1), 1–22. http://doi.org/10.1901/jeab.2008.90-1

Projects discussion: Similar experiments to Magoon and Critchfield (2008) will be run during this, and next semester. 

Activity 2) Presenter: Lucas Couto de Carvalho

Theme: Social coordinated responding under ratio schedules

Paper reading: Tan, L. & Hackenberg, T. D. (2016). Functional analysis of mutual behavior in laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus). Journal of Comparative Psychology130(1), 13-23. doi: 10.1037/com0000015

Activity 1) Presenter: Lilja Berg, librarian at the Bahavioral Sciences department

Theme: Literature searches and reviews

Notes: Lilja Berg fra biblioteket på OsloMet Kjeller kommer til labmøtet for å gi en innføring i arbeidet med skriving av reviewartikler, med vekt på søk i databaser, valg av søkeord og gjennomføring av søk efter avklarte kriterier. Vi tar oss god tid, og det blir tid til spørsmål. Masterstudenter fra alle labgruppene er velkommen. Presentasjonen er på norsk.

Activity 2) Miriam Østenheden will present her masters project, which is a replication of the paper below. 

Theme: Belief bias and logic 

Paper reading: Markovits, H., & Nantel, G. (1989). The belief-bias effect in the production and evaluation of logical conclusions.Memory & Cognition, 17(1), 11-17.

Presenter: Marco Tagliabue

Theme:  Assessing organizational culture

Paper reading: Adams, A., Bond, S., Arber, S. (1995). Development and validation of scales to measure organisational features of acute hospital wards. Int. J. Nurs. Stud., 32(6), 612-627. 

Projects discussion: This assessment tool shall serve as the starting point towards evaluating its applicability in larger and different settings, adhering to an evolutionary and selectionist perspective.

Notes: The original Lab presentation held by Sigga has been moved to Tuesday 27th of February (please find details below).

Presentation: All Lab members shall present at least one experiment they are interested in and would like to get our students’ help with as possible ideas for Bsc and Msc theses.

Paper reading: None. Depending on the project to be presented and your area of interest, please be ready to suggest 1 or 2 relevant articles.

Projects discussion: Students are encouraged to share their own projects underway or tentative ideas for projects to be carried out in collaboration or under the supervision of the Lab members.

Notes: We shall present briefly the schedule for this semester and we welcome any inputs on how we may improve our Lab meetings even further.