Spring 2022
Meetings take place every other Tuesday, according to the calendar below (*changes to the program may occur)
Starting time: 15:15 (unless specified otherwise)
Location: Digital (ZOOM – please sign up to our Lab´s newsletter to receive the meeting link and other updates)
11 January
Title: Thesis writing
Program: Gunnar presents on thesis writing and how to set up master’s projects work.
25 January – CANCELED
Title: Cooperation with UNT
Program: Guests from University of North Texas talk about their Lab’s projects and activities, some of which are in cooperation with our Lab group.
Student presentations on bureaucracy and middle-management (bachelors’ projects)
8 February
Title: Literature searches and reviews
Program: Lilja Johannessen from the University Library holds a mini-seminar on literature searches and review articles writing.
22 February
Title: Updates from visiting researchers at OsloMet
Program: Marlon, Rafael, and other researchers visiting and collaborating with our Lab from abroad update on their research and activities.
8 March*
Title: *Starts at 16:15
Title: Students’ presentations
Program: This briefer meeting is dedicated to presentations and updates from students affiliated with our Lab. There will be time for discussing and sharing feedback.
22 March
Title: Egocentric network analysis
Program: Fabio presents his work on network research that focuses on the individual.
5 April
Title: International guests from Brazil
Program: Sheila Giardini Murta and Andrea Cabello will meet the group and discuss their research projects with us. Sheila will talk about her investigations on health promotion and risk prevention programs, and Andrea Cabello will discuss her research on network formation between political parties from a social network analysis perspective.
19 April
Title: Behavioral science in Italy
Program: International guests join the Lab meeting to talk about their ongoing projects in the area of nudging and cognition.
3 May
Title: *Starts at 16:00
Preview of ABAI presentations
Program: Practice and rehearsal of presentations to be delivered at the annual conference in Boston
14 June
Title: Research project
Program: Flora presents her doctoral reserach project and moderates a discussion on the topic of the Good Behavior Game with metacontingencies.
Update on the PhD fellowship associated with the GBG project in Norway.