Eat and Let the Earth Speak

A video by Rick Dolphijn and Nicholas Polson. The video is from and was first presented at:The Society for European Philosophy & Forum for Philosophy Annual Conference 2020 (SEP/FEP 2020) in the Fluid Materialism Programme dedicated to Michel Serres.

Food2gather: Achievments

The project was closed on the 25th November 2022. But pilots, partners and all of you are still thinking food, public spaces and migration. Here overview of main achievements.

Food2gather: Objectives

The project was closed on the 25th November 2022. But pilots, partners and all of you are still thinking food, public spaces and migration. Here enlclosed the objectives of the Food2gather project.

Food2gather . A SUMMARY

The project was closed on the 25th November 2022. But pilots, partners and all of you are still thinking food, public spaces and migration. Here A few pages to present the final summary for the Food2gather project

COMING SOON: the amazing Mezzé movie

Food landscapes and migrations – Around Sainte-Foy-La-Grande area. In French with English subtitles– Movie made by Chantal CRENN, Simone CINELLI et Cloé BANNES Paysages alimentaires et migrations autour de Sainte-Foy-La-Grande,2, réalisé par Chantal CRENN, Simone CINELLI et Cloé BANNES

NEW article

Edda Starck & Raúl Matta (2022): More-than-human assemblages and the politics of (Food) conviviality: cooking, eating, and living together in Germany, Food, Culture & Society Link to this article: ABSTRACT This article follows the activities of two initiatives seeking to improve living conditions of migrants in Germany. In their attempts to foster collective livability, […]


samedi 19.11.2022 14h30 “BIENVENUE CHEZ NOUS” exposition photos de Cécile Quillien, Sarah Marchiset, Isabelle Techoueyres et Chantal Crenn, avec la participation des habitants du squat “Fort Life”de Bordeaux. Un appareil photo passé de main en main, circule dans un ancien squat bordelais dans lequel habitait un groupe de “mijeurs” en attente de reconnaissance de leur […]

Anthropology (of food): what’s this?

As a pilot, the Belgian team chose to highlight the children’s point of view on food in an encyclopedia made by and for children. The idea for this book was born out of a series of workshops on food facilitated by Elodie Razy and Mélanie Vivier with 5 classes (from kindergarten to 5th primary grade) […]