RRI, ethics, integrity, Innovation, capacity-building; interaction-competence, leadership

2-day seminar February 24th-25th, 2020

February 24th; RRI, Ethics and Innovation

Time: 09:00-15:30
Place: Scandic Holmenkollen Park, Kongeveien 26

Homework to be done before the seminar is found here.

Thematic content:

  • Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), lead by researcher Erik Thorstensen
  • Open Science
  • Research Ethics & Integrity
  • Innovation, lead by Ass. professor Tom Pike

Learning outcomes:

• Knowing the differences and similarities of EU and NFR RRI
• Identifying themes relevant for RRI part in calls
• Knowing how to draft the RRI WP
• Identifying what RRI competence to add to the consortium
• Knowing the main differences and similarities between RRI and Open Science
• Identifying barriers and drivers in Open Science
• Knowing how to work with research integrity in projects and in one’s institution
• Identifying the barriers and drivers to research integrity
• Knowing strategies for solving research ethical issues

Overview of the day

Time           Theme                                                                                   Format
09:00-09:30 RRI. What, why and how?                                                     Lecture
09:30-10:15 RRI in research plans and project                                         Group Work
10:30-11:00 RRI and Open Science                                                          Lecture
11:00-11:45 Open Science in research plans and projects                        Group Work
11:45-12:30 Lunch
12:30-12:50 Research Integrity. What, why and how?                              Lecture
12:50-13:30 Maintaining integrity in my institution and research Project Group Work

Presentation used

13:45-15:30 Innovation theme; Ass. professor Tom Pike

Expansion on the themes

Some tips from NARMA and Centre for digital life, Norway on including RRI in Your Project (in Norwegian)

How to comply with RRI in Your Project, by Ellen-Marie Forsberg

Advance and subsequent work

The suggested concept presupposes some advance work as well as some feedback after the course. Advance work by participants:

  • Circulate 2-5 pages of project/plans/proposal. If the participant is in doubt – create a FRIPRO / ERC-like sketch.
  • Read through the submitted (and rejected) proposal for AI Fertility
  • Read through the submitted (and funded) proposal for Assisted Living
  • Read the OsloMet strategy on Open Science
  • Investigate local routines for handling breaches on research integrity and research ethics.

Background reading

EPSRC. “Framework for Responsible Innovation – EPSRC Website.”, https://epsrc.ukri.org/research/framework/

European Commission. Responsible Research and Innovation Europe’s Ability to Respond to Societal Challenges. Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, 2012. https://ec.europa.eu/research/swafs/pdf/pub_rri/KI0214595ENC.pdf.

Forsberg, Ellen-Marie, Frank O. Anthun, Sharon Bailey, Giles Birchley, Henriette Bout, Carlo Casonato, Gloria González Fuster, et al. “Working with Research Integrity—Guidance for Research Performing Organisations: The Bonn PRINTEGER Statement.” Science and Engineering Ethics 24, no. 4 (August 1, 2018): 1023–34. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11948-018-0034-4

Hjellbrekke, Johs. Etikk og integritet i forskning: resultater fra en landsomfattende undersøkelse. Bergen, Oslo: Universitetet i Bergen De Nasjonale forskningsetiske komiteene, 2018. https://www.uib.no/sites/w3.uib.no/files/attachments/rino_delrapport_1_2018_2.pdf .

Hjellbrekke, Johs., Helene Ingierd, and Matthias Kaiser. Diskutabel forskningspraksis: holdninger og handlinger : andre delrapport fra arbeidsgruppen i forskningsprosjektet RINO (Research Integrity in Norway). Bergen, Oslo: Universitetet i Bergen De nasjonale forskningsetiske komiteene Høgskulen på Vestlandet, 2019. https://www.uib.no/sites/w3.uib.no/files/attachments/rino_delrapport_2_2019.pdf .

Norges forskningsråd: Samfunnsansvarlig innovasjon – Et RRI-rammeverk for BIOTEK2021, NANO2021, IKTPLUSS & SAMANSVAR, https://www.forskningsradet.no/contentassets/558d5b1a9f53421f81371ecf96cf1692/rri-rammeverk.pdf/

OsloMet: Strategi for Åpen forskning (under preparation – draft exists)


February 25th – Capacity building as researchers, interaction-competence and leadership.

This day is an open module, including researchers from LUI and TKD in addition to the participants in the program.


• Gain increased consciousness regarding own strenghts, values and challenges as a researcher
• Gain increased consciousness and capacity regarding interaction with others as well as leading others, especially as a research group leader.


09:00 Capacity building. Margrethe Waage, Program Manager at the OsloMet-academy/Learning and Development.

We continue with self-awareness-work regarding own strengths and developmental challenges as researhers. Picking up on what we did in the August-19-module. Reflecting upon observations as to how “the Talent-Distortion”- model have worked in our life and work since August. Group-work. Adding more depth to our work.

10.30 Interaction- competence and leading others. Margrethe Waage, Program Manager OsloMet-academy/Learning and Development.

We start looking at interaction with others, bringing our awareness regarding own strenghts and challenges into the work.We start looking into  leading others, especially in the role of a Research group leader.

Presentation used

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-15:30 Talents – status in closing the gaps in CVs, further plans, which Calls to apply for in 2020/2021, Vera Østensen, program leader

Bring updated CVs (according to ERC/FRIPRO template), prepare 3 min presentation: What needs strengthening, plan to do so – action plan

13:00-15:00 Other participants from LUI/TKD: Vitae Career Development for Researchers-tool.

We gather experiences from the participants regarding this career development tool. We discuss how to move further. Margrethe Waage, Program Manager The OsloMet-academy/Learning and Development and Gry Stavseng, Senior-consultant at FoU