New article describes the innovative co-created approach adopted by Portugal’s most innovative age-friendly initiative: The Cascais Protocol

New article describes the innovative co-created approach adopted by Portugal’s most innovative age-friendly initiative: The Cascais Protocol
Da Oslos eldre innbyggere ble spurt om hva som opptar dem, sto transport øverst på lista. Dette vil kanskje overraske noen, men det gir mening når vi anerkjenner den sentrale rollen transportmidler har i å forme byene og livsstilen vår.
Helt siden den industrielle revolusjonen har transportmidler symbolisert potensialet til og kampen mellom teknologiske paradigmer. Dette er en gjensidig skapende prosess som har innvirkning på alle aspekter av livene våre. Dampmaskinene symboliserte sin epoke, og bilen har dominert siden tidlig på 1900-tallet. En rask titt på hvordan byene våre er utformet avslører bilens totaldominans. Uten bilen ville ikke forstadslivet være mulig.
Oslos innbyggere er kjent med begge truslene. De er kanskje verken realistiske eller uunngåelige. Det er mulig å få til en gradvis overgang fra status quo. Å anerkjenne at vi står overfor en type demografisk endring vi aldri har vært gjennom før er et godt første skritt.
On Monday, 20th of November, HiOA and the city of Oslo will host the first debate about the development of an Age-Friendly City. The event is free and will have the presence of HiOA’s rector Curt Rice, and Inga Marte Torkildsen from the City Council for Elderly, Health and Social Services in Oslo.
Buddy Guy (80), Ronnie Wood (69) and Jonny Lang (35).
Music is perhaps the best examples of the power of intergenerational partnerships. Enjoy!
A heritage of Roman culture developed by Portuguese during the nineteenth century, the Portuguese pavement is a good example of the potential dilemmas that can arise from age-friendly initiatives. That ancient city technology is not only a smart and eco-friendly solution but also an infinite source of inspiration for artists.
However, when it comes to pedestrian safety, in particular the safety of frail citizens, the Portuguese pavement might not be the most adequate technology available. In fact, it might represent a significant increased risk.
In this video (published in February 2013) IBM presents their view for an “Age-Smart City”:
As usual, the perspective about ageing is pretty narrow. However, the video can be a good starting point for a discussion and brings some interesting examples.
Young-old: Urban Utopias of an Aging Society is the title of the new book(s) published by Deane Simpson. The book explores the impact of population ageing in the making of urban spaces (territories).
Have you ever seen a penguin slip?