Research questions

Main Research Question (MRQ): What kind of crisis-perceptions, -plans and -practices related to electricity and ICT-breakdowns exist among ordinary citizens and in public institutions, and to what extent are they functionally aligned?

Secondary Research Questions (RQs) are all related to such infrastructure breakdowns – RQs 1 & 2 are related to plans, RQs 3 & 4 to practices, RQ5 to vertical comparisons, RQs 6 & 7 to horizontal comparisons, and RQ8 to recommendation and impact:


  • RQ1: What expected roles and responsibilities do citizens have in national risk plans?
  • RQ2: How do households envision risks and crisis handling?


  • RQ3: What roles have authorities played in relation to households in the selected cases?
  • RQ4: What roles have households played in actual crises and what practical and social resources (kinship and networks) have they applied?


  • RQ5: What kind of discrepancies do we find between public plans and actions, and plans and actions among citizens?


  • RQ6: What similarities and differences do we find in public crisis plans within and between the three countries?
  • RQ7: What similarities and differences do we find in households’ applied strategies within and between the three countries?


  • RQ8: What possible improvements in planning might be achieved by integrating social resources in public plans?

The RQs are related to the Work Packages (WPs). You can read more about them here.