Ideals of Cooperation and the Integration of Citizens in Crisis Management – seminar presentation by Linda Kvarnlöf

Our partner researcher Linda Kvarnlöf gave the presentation Ideals of Cooperation and the Integration of Citizens in Crisis Management at the seminar Local Aspects on Global Challenges: Risks and Risk Management in Rural Areas (Lokala aspekter på globala utmaningar; Risker och riskhantering utanför storstadsregionerna), arranged by Riskkollegiet in Östersund 21/5. The event was filmed by SVT Play. You can see the seminar (in swedish) in these four links:

Del 1

Del 2

Del 3

Del 4

Participation at the symposium «Naturkatastrofer og samfunnssikkerhet»

On April 28, 2015 Ardis Storm-Mathisen, Nina Heidenstrøm and Jo Helle-Valle from SIFO attended a seminar on natural disasters and civil protection organized by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and the Norwegian Research Council.

The seminar included presentations of the annual national risk report by the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (the report can be downloaded here), as well as a presentation of the fire in Lærdal based on a report by SP Fire Research (the report can be viewed here). 

Presentation and meeting with DSB in April 2015

SIFO and Teknisk Museum paid a visit to DSB in Tønsberg on April 20, 2015. The purpose of the meeting was to present the Homerisk-project to a wide audience at DSB, and to engage in a conversation on areas of potential cooperation and mutual information sharing.  In the first session Jo Helle-Valle from SIFO presented the project, and in the second session the analysis unit at DSB teamed up with SIFO/Teknisk Museum for further discussions. The meeting was highly fruitful and several actions were suggested.