A New interactive Exhibition is under Construction at the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology! 
The Exhibition ‘Electricity-outage, are you prepared?’ is an outcome of the HOMERISK Project and will open at the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology Thursday June 14th at 11 am.
Come to the HOMERISK end-seminar ‘Are Nordic households prepared for electricity outage?’ at Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology Thursday June 14th from 9am to learn more about digital vulnerabilities, consumption and household’s preparedness for power outages. The Nordic research-team will then present findings from the HOMERISK project and discuss them with other interested actors. You can test Your own preparedness by engaging in the interactive activities of the Exhibition at the end of the seminar.
Click on the link below for more information about these arrangements and to sign up
The Homerisk Project is financed by The Research Council of Norway, SAMRISK II.