Fieldwork on household preparedness in Oslo

The fieldwork conducted on household preparedness in Oslo is now completed. The SIFO team has visited 10 households in Oslo to understand how urban households prepare for electricity and ICT infrastructure breakdowns. We visited households in different age groups, and families living in dwellings with and without alternative heating systems.

The photos below shows some of the material resources in the urban households:








Preliminary findings from the Homerisk Project will be presented at Samrisk II Conference october 27th 2017

The Research program Samrisk II – which has funded the Homerisk project – is now moving towards its end and the Research Council of Norway is arranging a conference on october 27th at HIOA to sum up the main results. You find more information about the conference and how to register here.


Nina Heidenstrøm will – on behalf of SIFO and the Project group – present preliminary findings and recommendations from Homerisk at the conference under theme b (Sosiale strukturer, verdier og tillit). There will be possibilities for questions and discussion.







Head of Research Torvald Tangeland from SIFO will also be present at the conference (PI Ardis Storm-Mathisen can unfortunately not attend the conference due to fieldwork abroad on another Research Council Project).
