Exploring teachers’ and students’ computational thinking practices in science and mathematics
Through creative use of digital technologies, WP3 aims to design, implement and study digitally oriented computational thinking lessons in science and mathematics for classes in primary and secondary school.
Drawing on WP1, WP3 will directly intervene in the classroom together with practitioners in two partner schools in Finland and three in Norway. The intervention involves several iterative collaborations between the field of practice (school) and participant expertise (teachers and researchers) through annual workshops and school visits. In designing the interventions, researchers scaffold teachers’ classroom practice, thereby ensuring user involvement. WP3 aims at empowering teachers and students to model, analyse and design solutions to real-world problems integrating science and design practices (Inkinen et al., 2020; Sinervo et al., 2020). In order to capture the richness of the learning processes, data will be collected through video and participant observations, students’ self-generated “video-blogs” (Loukomies, Juuti, Lavonen, & Salmela-Aro, 2019), interviews of 30 students and 4 teachers, student-created artefacts and learning outcome data (also linked to WP4 and WP5). Data will be analysed using thematic and interaction analysis. These data combined will provide a unique basis for understanding how computational thinking is taught and learnt as a subjectspecific and generic skill in subject-specific classes. Findings from WP3 will be analysed and integrated as research-based content for student teachers (related to WP2) and school practice.
RQ3: a) How do teachers approach the integration of CT in science and mathematics classrooms?
RQ3: b) In what ways do students engage with CT in science and mathematics?
Name | Institution |
Kalle Juuti (Leder) | University of Helsinki |
Kristina Johnsdatter Andreasen(Co-leader) | OsloMet |
Katarina Pajchel | OsloMet |
Siv Aalbergsjø | OsloMet |
André Rognes | OsloMet |
Erika Perttuli-Borobio | University of Helsinki |
Thomas Frågåt | Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences |
Louise Mifsud | OsloMet |
Aleksi Markkanen | University of Helsinki |
Ari Mylliviita | University of Helsinki |