Work package 4

Assessment of computational thinking in science and mathematics

WP4 aims to identify features of CT that can be used in connection with assessment, and to develop assessment methods that support and evaluate students’ learning processes and outcomes. The core curricula of the countries represented in the project contain both learning goals and assessment criteria. The new Norwegian curriculum also highlights the importance of fostering students’ awareness of assessment both as a tool for giving direction to the students’ knowledge creation and for displaying their competences (NDET 2019). However, before teachers can do this they need to develop an understanding of what to assess and what assessment methods need to be applied to support the students’ learning processes and outcomes in CT. Such criteria are currently not operationalised in the curriculum. Assessment is therefore a central part of the planned intervention cycles, and data collection and analysis will be integrated in the DBR approach of WP2 and WP3, where collected information will feed into the iterative testing, refinement and reflection. Building on existing analytical frameworks related to both generic and subject-specific CT skills
(Brennan & Resnick, 2012; Weintrop et al., 2016), WP4 aims to design a rich spectrum of assessment criteria and methods, and thus also address assessment challenges which arise from tensions between generic and
subject-specific skills. The methods of assessment developed in WP4 will cover a range of evaluative approaches that are relevant in educational contexts, including summative, formative and diagnostic approaches.

RQ4: What indicators of generic and subject specific CT skills can inform assessment practices?

Katarina Pajchel (Leader)OsloMet
Jari Lavonen (Co-leader)University of Helsinki
Kalle JuutiUniversity of Helsinki
Erika Pertt-BorobioUniversity of Helsinki
Ari MylliviitaUniversity of Helsinki
Aleksi MarkkanenUniversity of Helsinki
Louise MifsudOsloMet
Andre RognesOsloMet
Thomas FrågåtInland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Kristina Johnsdatter AndreasenOsloMet
Aino UkkonenOsloMet